11- outrageous

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imessage,  irl, & tiktok!

sssss + dora

regulus- reg
barty- bartholomew
evan- evangelical
pandora- pandemic

enjoyed your time with gracie last

looked like he was loving it

their auras are so cute together

what colour are me and barty's

orange and kind of like a

which one am i

i dunno

well that's stupid
mr green do you enjoy napping on
the girl you "hate"

i only do it because she thinks i'm
a cat

what if
hear me out
you stopped going over to hers !

because you hate her floral smell

i think he likes spending time with
it's like before

what a splendid thought !

what happened to your slang

what do you even mean
i'm a proper roadman


you're just an op
stop trying to distract me blud

what if you just start being nicer to
her as a HUMAN


you're hopeless


GRACE AND REGULUS were both waiting for slughorn to return o finish out their detention. it was the last day, and things had been tense, so to say they were both relieved would be an understatement.

they'd already finished cleaning all of the cauldrons and the desks, so they sat in an awkward silence.

the duo hadn't really talked at all since their conversation at slug club, though they both seemed less tense around the other.

"did you get your d.a.d.a. essay back?" gracie broke the silence.

regulus' chest puffed out a bit, "yeah, i did. eighty-three out of eighty-five."

"did he also tell you that 'no one needs the extra words, you just sound stupid'?"

there was a comment of silence, "yes."

"i can't wait for him to retire."

the sides of regulus' mouth tipped up, "we just have to finish up this year with him and then we'll get a new teacher next year."

"i don't think i want to graduate," gracie admitted. "i'm not even home, and somehow my parents have already got me signed up for muggle medical school."

"they can do that? without you there?"

gracie kept her gaze on her fingers, "i finished all of the credits to graduate, so, technically, i can enroll in healing school."

"and you're going to go? what about school?" regulus was surprised by his interest.

"my parents are talking about pulling me from hogwarts. i'm already seventeen, so i can do magic outside of school anyways."

regulus' face screwed up, "well that's just- they can't do that!"

"they can. i don't want them to, but it's not really up to me."

"that's simply outrageous!"

gracie looked surprised, "i would've thought you'd be over the moon by me leaving."

"magic is a gift! and the fact that your parents just want to take it away from you!"

"this conversation is getting repetitive," she looked at her watch, "is sluggy back yet?"

gracie effectively ended their conversation, and though he would never admit it, regulus was annoyed by it.


graciepatel posted a tiktok!

graciepatel posted a tiktok!

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: yeaaaa - @ Rollin Thrax

liked by wormtail, rosier, and others

graciepatel bows are my new favourite thing

rosier i knew they would look good on you
graciepatel ty my love
rosierevan i thought you weren't gonna use that account?????
rosier yeah but people think i'm you so i can do dumb stuff and make you look bad

barkbark i wonder who gave you those posters
graciepatel a wanker who pretends to be a roadman

wormtail gracie is my friend
graciepatel i'd like to think so

annabelle.sawyer i finally got my phone back
graciepatel surprised minnie didn't try to send it home
padfoot she would never

moony your hair is in your eyes
graciepatel i fixed it right after don't worry

rosier your aura is really purple today
graciepatel thanks (?)
rosier it's a good thing

cyl333 for clarification, on tiktok, rosier and dora are both pandora. rosierevan is evan
cyl333 but on instagram, rosier is evan

prongs you:🎀 the song ⛓️😈
graciepatel don't ❌judge a book by it's cover

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c speaks!

tomorrow, i will see taylor swift live. and she will sing king of my heart and new romantics for me.

if she sings komh, i'll write a bonus chapter. if she doesn't, that's too bad


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