☁︎ MAYO☂︎

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SHE COULD HAVE HER CAKE AND EAT IT, TOO. Anthony's suspicions were gone, and Benito's hookups were back on the menu. They agreed that their arrangement would continue to be once a month. Their meeting was coming up one of these days. She even allowed them to text sometimes. Before, it was a hard no-contact other than to meet up, but every few days Benito checked in on her, and they had a brief, flirty conversation.

me haces faltaaaa 😘 mi reina 🤍💍
y el mojón ? 🤢

Aside from the off-hand comments, Benito made peace with her engagement, because he was confident she wouldn't be going anywhere.

But, he still didn't know the details of her relationship... like how Anthony was married with kids beforehand, and how she tore down that home.

She was incredibly selfish and did what she wanted, but the (very real) possibility of Benito expressing disapproval over her destroying a family made her shameful.

Anthony was just as bad, really. Her guilty conscious made her wait for the day he left her for someone else, too. He was getting annoying with all his mannerisms, like how he made weird noises when he chewed, and he was extremely obsessive about certain things being in place in the house.

But other times, he was really sweet. He had a habit of kissing her forehead when he went to work. He gently squeezed her cheek and told her, "Stay safe today." as if she'd ever be in any danger.

They couldn't actually get married until his wife signed the divorce papers, but Jasmine wasn't complaining. She could take her sweet ass time with that. Wedding planning was annoying.

Her days were easy. She woke up and went to pilates, took a swim in the pool, went to the spa, showered, ran errands, got her nails done, her hair, her lashes... Diana and Kiara watched her Instagram story enviously and replied with groaning emojis. Benito watched her story, too. Whenever she posted a selfie with Anthony, she noticed that he'd stop watching every time, and he wouldn't click on her story for the rest of the day.

She was living the life. She was.

But she never felt emptier.

After her shower, she wiped her mirror off the fog. She stared into her reflection. Yes, she was beautiful on the outer level, but more than ever before, she felt... nothing. She stared at her lovely, plump lips as if they belonged to someone else. Her dreamy eyes didn't belong to her. Her nose was not familiar. She stared into a reflection that wasn't hers.

She felt nauseous. Lightheaded, she tipped over and held herself onto the sink. She heard the door open and Anthony called out to her. He had roses and chocolates for her birthday, as well as a reservation at her favorite restaurant.

"Sorry... I'm feeling sick," She whispered. "I can't do the restaurant tonight."

"Oh. ...Do you mind if I go golfing, then?"

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