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THE WEATHER WAS ALWAYS SHIT HERE. There could only be so much rainfall so many days in a row. That's what he loved about LA — it was always sunny, a perpetual paradise. New York, though? Was a fucking aguacero.

Benito Martinez flew on a red-eye to the Big Apple to look at penthouses for sale.  He'd be working with a producer based in the city for his new album, so staying close by was ideal. Anything to get out of those back-and-forth flights.

When he stepped out of his limousine, there were already TMZ photographers at every corner like gnats, asking all their little questions about his ex.

Today was a day of meetings. He wore a black turtleneck, dark grey dress pants and a matching blazer. A gold chain decorated his neck.

His security escorted him and his accountant into the building and would wait outside. The concierge greeted them and rode the elevator up to the 43rd floor: Manhattan Luxury Real Estate.

He didn't see anything he liked enough, nor did his accountant see anything efficient in their budget. The question was never about being able to afford something, but more so to try to spend the least amount of money obtaining a property, especially in an industry notorious for getting as much cash out of their famous buyers as they could.

He really wanted to buy, though. Hotels were always so impersonal. He would've liked to actually live in the place. Renting wasn't ideal either, he wanted to own property... although his accountant asked him to consider it more and more.

"You're so particular, Benito," He sighed, adjusting his glasses above his nose. "Renting for just a year isn't the end of the world."

Benito's stomach growled as he stared at the pouring rain from the window of the car. He would've liked to stop somewhere to eat, but he had a long day of meetings in this part of the country. In his reflection, his left hand propped his tired face-up, and there was no longer an engagement ring.

Next, his meeting was at a public relations firm on Fifth Avenue. His accountant stayed in the car.

One would assume his need for PR would've been related to his engagement falling through, but on the contrary, the relationship ended quite privately, and in the four walls of couples therapy.

He was faithful through and through, he did his best to be attentive, to shower her with love, to show her the man she always deserved, but there was a missing piece inside him.

Benito did his part, and he thought in time it would all finally come together. Sometimes, he saw promising glimpses of a happy marriage with Gabriela, and it gave him hope, but it was all fleeting, like a short-lived match on a windy day.

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