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"DIANA AND MICHAEL ARE DATING. They're on their way now," Kiara gossipped, bringing her eggnog to her lips. She raised her brows as she delivered the juicy chisme.

Absentminded, Jasmine stared at the starry angel on top of the tree. Their modeling agency hosted a Christmas Eve party and rented a venue at the Hilton.

"Michael Vegara?" She asked, half-interested in the gossip. 

Kiara blinked like Jasmine was lost in space. "Michael GARCIA. Your ex?"

She paused. Ah, right. Peter Pan from Halloween. "I know. Diana asked if it was okay."

"She did?"

"Yeah. She isn't dating him, but he's dating her. If you catch my drift."

"But... you don't care he's your ex?"

"I literally handed him over."

Kiara stared at her like she was an enigma. She shrugged and brought the eggnog back to her lips. Clearly, she needed more alcohol to keep up. Typical Jasmine.

Meanwhile, Jasmine got up from their table,  pulling her cashmere sweater dress down her thighs. Creamy stockings stopped above her knee with brown boots. She made her way to the Christmas tree she'd obsessively been staring at. At thirty feet tall, it was such a sight.

Her neck craned up to its enormous height.
A transient flashback of Benito pulling her braids came to her and the glimpse of his Ghostface mask. His wet lips kissing her neck in his shower emerged, leaving the phantom sensation on her.

She closed her eyes and kept her neck craned back this way. She imagined Benito's hands claiming her wet body in his penthouse. How he fondled her breasts and played with her nipples.

As if he were with her again, she felt an erotic wave pulse up her core. She shivered and instinctively bit her lip. She missed his touch, his low voice, his deep strokes, his lips, his eyes...

"Jasmine... Hey."

Her brows furrowed at having her daydream interrupted. She slowly opened her eyes, irritated, and then turned her head to the culprit next to her. It was the athlete she ghosted a month ago, like Benito told her to.

Oh. What's-his-name.

He figured she'd be here, knowing she was a model with the agency. He had a small gift in his hands with a shimmering red bow.

"Hi." She said, her irritated expression unchanging. His stomach flipped at how intimidating and cold her eyes looked. They were like bear traps about to snap.

"Whatever happened between us..?" He asked, lowering his gaze. "I'm sorry if I offended you... but I want to reconnect." He extended his gift. "Merry Christmas."

She looked down at the offering for a brief moment. Her eyes then went back to his nervous face. "Nothing happened. It just wasn't a match."


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