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Diana hugged Jasmine and Kiara close, hooking her arm around them and pressing their faces together. She'd be damned if the trio bit the dust. Anthony or no Anthony.

They were on the beach celebrating Diana's birthday. She had an itty bitty bikini on and a crown that said Libra Queen. Michael took photos of her by the water and the massive balloons with her age: 28.

Kiara was so close to not showing up for the party. Jasmine would be there. They hadn't talked the entire summer, let alone laid eyes on each other. Her brown hair was much shorter and with layers, aging her. It was always impressive how one subtle hairstyle can change one's appearance so much.

"Look, I'm so sorry, Jasmine... I don't know how to explain it. I've always been jealous of you. It's hard to admit. I understand if you don't want to be friends again, but I've thought about you and reflected all summer... I'm really sorry... Sometimes, I do these terrible things, and they go on for so long. I don't even know who I am anymore. "

"I understand more than you know," Jasmine replied, softly. Kiara's nervous eyes were glued to the sand between them. She raised them, hearing Jasmine's unexpected empathy.

They hugged, and Diana witnessed it. She jumped over and hugged them into her, cheering, "Yayy~! Stronger together!"

Awkwardly standing amongst a group of Diana's friends was Devon, the professional athlete. Jasmine hadn't seen him since Christmas, nearly an entire year, and he looked like a doppelganger of himself. He was growing out his beard, and his fade was short like always, but there was a more mature vibe to him. He kept looking over at Kiara and Jasmine together, specifically Kiara.

Jasmine smiled. "It's Devon."

"He's here?" Kiara yelped.

"Yeah, and he keeps looking at you."

Diana whipped her head over, not discrete at all. "WHERE?"

Kiara's face heated into a deep red. "Don't look at him! Hello?!"

Jasmine laughed. "What even happened with you two? Do you not have feelings anymore?"

"No! Devon's amazing, and he's a great listener, but... I don't think he even likes me as a person..." She bitterly reflected on breaking his heart to swoop in on Anthony. "I don't blame him."

"Maybe there's another opportunity." Jasmine winked. "Because he's walking over."

Kiara's eyes widened. Devon made his way to their spot on the beach, and he greeted them. His deep, full eyes sat longingly on Kiara. Jasmine smiled slyly, hooked her elbow around Diana, and pulled her to the side.

"They're so getting back together." The birthday girl said.

"I know right?"

Further into the party, Diana and Michael gathered everyone around to make an announcement. They paused to build up suspense and stared wide-eyed in excitement.

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