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ANTHONY WAS GETTING SUSPICIOUS, DROWNING THEIR BUDDING ENGAGEMENT INTO MURKY WATERS. She wasn't intimate with him anymore. Sex felt like a chore. It all came to a head when she allowed him to fool around with her out of the blue.


Anthony's eyes went wide, and he pulled his hands away like he touched a hot stove. He accused her of cheating. She bit her cheek to not laugh.

"You think it's funny?"

"When the pot calls the kettle black, I do."

He demanded to know who Benito was. She rolled his eyes and pulled out his Instagram: badbunnypr. Thinking she was showing a random celebrity's profile and wasn't taking this seriously at all, Anthony angrily turned over and went to sleep without saying another word.

Things weren't looking good at all for their engagement, and she definitely didn't want to lose her comfortable lifestyle. The next morning, she woke him up with breakfast in bed, and she showered him with love, trying her best to pick up the pieces of his broken trust.

Not only that but there was also the fiasco of getting high with Benito. She was mortified by how much she tweaked out on his boat. It was so embarrassing when she looked back. She cried in his arms, sobbed about having a nightmare, and said she was terrified of being alone, too...

So fucking cringe! She hid her face in her hands and sulked, wanting to disappear. Benito's image of her was probably destroyed by now. The whole thing must have turned him off... Honestly, what was she thinking smoking so much?

Sooo many things weighed heavily on Jasmine's mind this month. Most stressfully, there was Benito's offer to take care of her completely if she became one of his girlfriends.

Why did she not want to take it? Was it because it came too late, and she already had something similar with Anthony that was already in motion?

She stared into her reflection, seeking answers.

No, it wasn't that. She'd leave anyone at the drop of a hat if something better came along. So... why? Obviously, Benito's offer was better.

Her heart twisted inside her. She shuddered. Whatever the reason was, she didn't like it.

"I need a drink." She muttered, quietly.

Then, March 10th was around the corner. Benito's 29th birthday. He invited everyone to a luxury resort in PR for the weekend. He'd fly Jasmine out, too.

Great! So I can meet his other girlfriends! She wanted to kill him.

Puerto Rico wasn't happening. Anthony was suspicious of her cheating more than ever. She had to do damage control big time and go on dates with him every day to prove her commitment.

But, why was a part of her slightly relieved she wouldn't see Beni this month..? Every other month, she craved him and missed him. She even said his name while Anthony touched her. Clearly, she still wanted him, but now there was... an electrifying fear tainting it.

It was probably lingering embarrassment from getting too high.

I just need some more space to get over it. I'll be fine the next time we see each other.

Beni, that sounds so fun
but I can't
I'm booked with a photoshoot

So, cancel
I'll pay what you would have made

I'm sorry but I can't put
everything on hold for you
I don't have that luxury

I won't be in LA for another month.
maybe two

see you eventually then

there's another guy
isn't there?

does it matter? you're not my bf
I don't have to tell you anything

wow, quien dijo todo eso
esta bien
have fun with him

you're a hypocrite because
every other headline is about
you and another bitch

jasmine, hagas lo que te da la gana
como siempre

trust me I will

Her hands were shaking as she typed the last message. Benito didn't even read it. He had ex'ed out of their messages already. The fight was so short and sudden. It escalated so fast that she couldn't even believe it herself. What had just happened?

Is this a breakup? Is it done? Why does my stomach feel so fucking sick and in knots?

I suppose it's over.

I can focus on my wedding.

And Benito can focus on... whatever he wants.

Tears ran down her face and splattered on the screen. She looked up in the mirror and saw her red eyes and flushed cheeks.

She angrily wiped her tears away and splashed her face with cold water. This wasn't happening. No.

She couldn't remember the last time she cried over a man, and this wasn't about to be made into a habit. It's all for the best, then.

"Happy fucking birthday," She said to herself. "And have a nice life."

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