☁︎ JULIO☂︎

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THE FIRST HALF OF THE YEAR WAS A WILD RIDE, BUT IT WAS NOW BEHIND HER. From January, she was in a short-lived engagement with a married man, and July marked her first full month single. Well — as single as Benito let her.

He put her up in an apartment on the 12th floor of a beautiful, newly renovated building, right in the heart of Los Angeles. There was a doorman and security on watch 24/7. The best of the best and safest. He sent her money every week for living expenses, too, and extra for personal spending. When the money first hit her account, her throat hitched in shock.

"That's just for the week?!"

She received a credit card in the mail meant for a Benito Antonio Martinez Ocasio. Attached was a handwritten note that said she could swipe all she wanted... signed Beni.

Jesus! Is his love language money?

Kiara blocked her on everything. Last she heard, she was pissed that Anthony ended things with her, too, and went back to his family after all.

"It's weird you never confronted her," Diana said on FaceTime, keeping her up to date. She wore a nourishing face mask, and Catfish played in the background. She got her lips done recently on Michael's dime - who she was back with. "I mean, she got away with it."

"I didn't care."

"But you were friends..."

"I know. I'm willing to talk things out."

"...I don't know, Jasmine...." Diana mumbled. "She seems really embarrassed about the whole thing. The fact you knew the whole time makes it worse for her."

"Yeah, well. Don't fuck my fiancé."

"Siiiiigh... You and Kiara falling out, no more parties on Anthony's boat, no more girls night with just the three of us... This summer sucks."

Benito knocked on her door three times, in a reggeaton beat. Her eyes widened in excitement. He texted he was coming by today. She hadn't seen him since he helped her move in.

"Diana, I have to go."

"Oh! But when am I going to see your new apartment—?"

She hung up. She quickly looked at her reflection in the vanity mirror. She wore a satin lilac lingerie dress with spaghetti straps. They cut off right mid-thigh. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she pulled it out, shaking out her curls.

She opened the door, and Benito had his hands full with four different shopping bags and a bouquet of roses tucked by his elbow.

"Por fin — contigo." The first thing he says locking eyes with her.

She gasped at the presents as she welcomed Beni inside. They were Chanel, Balenciaga, Givenchy, and Cartier.


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