Chapter Five

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"Harder," growled Crowscar, "and faster. How do you expect to outrun a snail at your pace?"

His claws pierced her chest, drawing blood. "I-I'm trying," insisted Honeypaw, panting. He towered over her, glaring down at her intimidatingly. "But I'm tired."

"You're going to be plenty tired when you have a Clan to lead," he told her. Letting her get to her paws, Honeypaw shook the dirt from her pelt, licking at her wounds. She hoped that they didn't get infected.

Crowscar meowed, "it's almost dawn." He peered carefully at Honeypaw. "If you ever want to be successful, you need to be stronger."

Honeypaw murmured, "I know. I'm sorry, Crowscar."

"I'll make you a powerful warrior," he promised. After a moment, he said, "it's time to wake up, Honeypaw. I'll see you later tonight."

"Bye, Crowscar," she dipped her head, and was startled awake by sunlight streaming into the branches. Beside her, Patchpaw stirred and blinked open his eyes.

"Good morning, Honeypaw," he yawned.

"'Morning," she mewed. Honeypaw stretched, and waited another moment before she padded outside into the cold. The camp was covered with snow, numbing her pads. Her pelt was naturally thick, but moons of hunger had made her thin and frail, letting the bitter air easily soak into her weary bones.

She dug into the body of a shrew. With Leaf-bare just over the horizon, Honeypaw would have to get used to the feeling of an empty belly.

Wildheart was happily chatting with Aspenspring and Turtlesnap. After a few heartbeats, she bounded up to the apprentice, eyes shining. "You're going to be a big sister!" she purred. "I'm expecting Aspenspring's kits!"

Honeypaw stared at her. Expecting? She felt sick all of a sudden. Honeypaw swallowed and, as if forcing down a tough piece of crowfood, said "congratulations." The words caught in her throat painfully.

Strangely, her father's betrayal did not surprise her. Still, she loathed him for it.

"Honeypaw," meowed Aspenspring, walking up to them. He eyed Wildheart for a moment before addressing his daughter, voice stern, "you're coming with me, Rainfall, Patchpaw, and Cloverpath on a hunting patrol."

She tried not to roll her eyes. "Okay," said Honeypaw, getting to her paws. She followed behind Aspenspring, and after a nod to the other cats on the patrol, led them out of camp.

Patchpaw brushed against her. He was talking, Honeypaw knew, but she could barely hear him over the blood roaring in her ears. She narrowed her eyes, bitterly.

Aspenspring paused. "Cloverpath," he started, "take Rainfall and Patchpaw to hunt by the barn. I'll take Honeypaw to the Calm Waters and try to see if there's any minnows swimming about."

Cloverpath purred, "safe hunting, then!"

They bounded off. Aspenspring turned to her, his gaze unreadable. "Let's get going."

Despite its name, the Calm Waters was white with foam when they arrived, rushing past stones and rocks embedded in the river in a torrent of fast-moving water. It had no sign that it was starting to freeze over yet from the cold, but Honeypaw shivered, noting that it must be painfully cold still.

Aspenspring sat on the edge of the bank. He hung back, making sure his reflection didn't mirror on the water and disturb the fish. After a moment, a black shadow swam past him, and he hooked his paw into the icy cold waves, scooping the fish onto the surface and killing it with a single bite to its neck.

When he turned, his paw slipped, throwing him into the murky, dark blue river.

It happened so fast, Honeypaw had barely even comprehended what had occured. Her father's muffled shrieks brought her back to the present.

"G-get help!" shouted Aspenspring, struggling to keep his head above the water. He spluttered, coughing up river water. When Honeypaw was about to leave to find the rest of her patrol, she heard Crowscar's voice stirring the fur of her ear, his familiar scent wrapping around her like vines.

"Leave him," he growled. "He hates you. Why should you risk getting your paws wet just to save his life?"

Because he's my father, thought Honeypaw. Still, she hesitated. When had he ever been fatherly or kind towards her?

Aspenspring's head bobbed below the surface. His eyes were wide with terror, and Honeypaw, taking a step back, bolted away, leaving him to disappear among the dark dephs of the river.

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