Chapter Twelve

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The Clan was pleased to welcome Misha into their home, as she was the daughter of Prim. Misha was given the name of Hailpaw, in honor of her pale gray pelt.

A half-moon had passed since Honeypaw had taken her back to SunClan. She was given Turtlesnap as a mentor, in hopes of stifling her eagerness with a cat who was always calm and collected. Hailpaw would be her last apprentice, as Turtlesnap would retire to the elders' den as soon as she's a warrior.

Tawnybrooks' kits had reached the age of six moons, and were old enough to become apprentices. Sweetpaw, fascinated with herbs, became Spottedclaw's apprentice. He was thankful for the chance to train her, as he was getting older and knew he wouldn't be around forever. Her littermates, Palepaw and Heronpaw, were apprenticed to Nettleburr and Mossydawn. Echopaw, despite her surprise, had been given Orchidsplash as a mentor. It was a great honor to be trained by the deputy, and she knew it.

Honeypaw raised her head, feeling the warm night breeze ruffle her fur. In a few more moments, she would be a warrior.

"Adderpaw, step forward," said Hawthornstar, raising her head to be heard over the slight buzz of camp. He did as instructed, puffing out his chest. His eyes gleamed with pride, reflecting like tiny stars, and the moon casted cool light on to him, turning his fur silver.

"Elmflower," meowed the SunClan leader, looking down on to the brown she-cat. She straightened underneath her leader's gaze, dipping her head. "Is Adderpaw ready to become a warrior?"

Elmflower said, "he was born ready."

"Very well," murmured Hawthornstar. "I, Hawthornstar, leader of SunClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn."

She fixed her gaze on Adderpaw. "Adderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Adderpaw blinked. After a heartbeat he replied, "I do," his voice strong despite his currently trembling paws.

"Then by the powers of , I give you your warrior name. Adderpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Adderspring. StarClan honors your skill and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SunClan."

Adderspring licked her shoulder, still shaking from excitement. He stepped back to stand beside Elmflower, and Honeypaw was suddenly aware of all the stares burning her pelt, making her flush with embarrassment.

"Shellbright," Hawthornstar meowed. The creamy white she-cat stepped forward, her gaze unreadable. "Is Honeypaw ready to become a warrior?"

Shellbright stared at her apprentice. She was silent for a long moment, before finally, she said, "I believe so." Honeypaw let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Hawthornstar dipped her head. Murmuring, she said, "then I, Hawthornstar, leader of SunClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn."

"Honeypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" the leader asked, her eyes shimmering like gold in the pale moonlight of camp.

Honeypaw breathed. When she spoke again, her voice was small and pitiful. "I do," she whispered, her paws trembling.

"Then by the powers of , I give you your warrior name. Honeypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Honeyflower. StarClan honors your strength and wisdom, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SunClan."

Honeyflower raised her chin, basking in the cheers of her clanmates. Her eyes glowed with pride. I'm finally a warrior! she thought. She gazed at the sky, watching a star flicker and shoot across the clearing. She closed her eyes. I hope you're proud of me, Finchflower.


Their silent vigil ended as soon as dawn came. Honeyflower climbed into her new nest in the warrior's den, her limbs heavy with exhaustion.

It only took a few moments for her to fall asleep, the sounds of chirping birds lulling her to sleep.


Honeyflower blinked open her eyes, waking up to tall, brooding pine trees. She got to her paws, shaking dirt and mud from her pelt.

Crowscar had his tail curled around his paws. He looked at her, gazing steadily at the young warrior.

"It's Honeyflower now," she said.

"A warrior?" His eyes widened in surprise. "Where has the time gone?"

Honeyflower sighed. She was tired, and aching, and all she wanted to do was go back to sleep. "What do you want, Crowscar?"

"To train you," he meowed, as if that was obvious. It was obvious. He continued, "and watch your attitude. I only wish to make you stronger."

A few sunrises ago, Honeyflower had met up with Emberpaw, now Emberstrike, at the barn. He had gotten his warrior name only a quarter-moon before she had. Honeyflower was proud of him. They discussed training, and prey, and kits..and then Emberstrike had mentioned Crowscar. He told her that Crowscar was his great great grandfather, and that he was exiled from PineClan because he had tried to kill the former leader and the deputy, his brother.

"Is it true?" she asked, the anger that stirred in the pit of her stomach making her feel sick and nauseous. Crowscar looked at her, confused at the bitterness in her voice, before Honeyflower growled, "is it true that you're a PineClan warrior?"

Shock flickered across his face before he could conceal it. He opened his jaws to reply, but Honeyflower snapped, "no! You lied to me! You were working for the enemy this entire time!"

"Listen to me–" started Crowscar, his words eerily calm, but Honeyflower pounced on him, her claws digging into his fur.

"You lied to me!" she cried, his warm blood running like a scarlet river over her paws. "How could you? I trusted you!"

Crowscar threw her off easily, being bigger and more experienced. He staggered to his paws, the weight of his injuries nearly suffocating him. He curled his lip. "I never lied to you. My past is irrelevant. I am no longer loyal to PineClan."

Honeyflower tried to rake her claws across his muzzle, but he dodged, knocking her aside with the strength of his body. He pinned her to the ground, not fazed at all with her attempts to break free. After a moment, she stilled, no longer having the energy to escape him.

"You could have told me," she whispered. Her rage was replaced with heavy, undeniable grief. Crowscar loosened his grip slightly, twitching his ears. All around them, the wind pressed on, stirring dead, pale leaves that hung on to the branches of frail pine trees. Honeyflower closed her eyes. "You're not actually a StarClan cat, are you?"

Crowscar hesitated. "I–" he said, swallowing. After a period of silence that seemed to stretch on forever, he shook his head. Honeyflower felt her stomach drop. "No. I'm a loyal warrior of the Dark Forest, a place where evil cats go to live out the rest of their afterlife in solitude and desolation."

"I thought you were training me to be a warrior," Honeyflower said, feeling as if she was going to be sick all over again. She pushed the older tom off of her, beginning to fade as the moon outside her dream began to climb higher across the sky. "Instead you were training me to kill!"

"You don't care about me," she growled. "You just wanted me to take over PineClan." Crowscar stared at her, his gaze unreadable. And she knew he wouldn't say anything, because she was right. Honeyflower took a step back, her pelt nearly translucent now. "I never want to see you again," she said, knowing that his face would be ingrained in her head forever. And finally, she allowed herself to wake, warm light filtering on to her from inside the warrior's den. Through the parted leaves, she could see the moon, still as silence lingered. And past the silence not even the birds chirped, as if they too were afraid to disturb the peace.

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