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Five seasons had passed since the war with PineClan, and since Fernwhisker–now Fernstar–had become the new leader after Jaggedstar's death. It has been relatively peaceful since he took up leadership, aside from the occasional border skirmish. But at least there wasn't any fighting, something Adderspring was very happy about.

SunClan was laden with thick snowfall, freezing his paw pads and making him shiver. Adderspring wasn't complaining, however; last Greenleaf, there was an awful heatwave and most cats went without water or food for days. This was a welcoming change.

He ducked into the nursery. Inside, Hailfall was nursing their kits, her tail wrapped around them to protect them from the chilly air. Stormkit and Mudkit were suckling, tiny paws propped up on her belly. Their only daughter, Honeykit, was sleeping, chest heaving with little sneezes and coughs.

Adderspring licked Honeykit on the head before directing his attention to her mother. "How is she feeling? What did Sweetberry tell you?"

"She'll be fine," Hailfall meowed. "It's just a cold. She'll be recovered in a few sunrises, so long as she rests."

He let out a sharp exhale. "Thank StarClan," he murmured. He brushed her head with his nose. "Did you want anything to eat? The hunting patrol just brought back a thrush, they're your favorite." He glanced at Echoheart, her belly still so small that it would be almost impossible to see that she's expecting at all. "How about you? Felt any kicking yet?"

"Not yet," she grunted, rolling on to her back. "I'm not looking forward to it. Hailfall told me the kicking kept her up all night."

Hailfall laughed. "Maybe. But I wouldn't change those sleepless nights for anything." She nuzzled her sons and held them tighter to her chest. "I'll be okay, thank you. Foxflame came by earlier and dropped off three rabbits. We're stuffed."

"Alright," said Adderspring, shaking snowflakes and moss from his fur. "Call me if you change your mind. I love you."

"I love you too," Hailfall purred, going back to nursing the kits.

He left the nursery. At the mention of food his stomach had begun to rumble. Adderspring had gone hunting earlier that day so he knew he was allowed to eat. He settled down beside the fresh-kill pile, a mouse at his paws, and watched the world around him.

Hollystar was getting older. She managed to recover quickly from greencough, but it had left her weak and tired. Sweetberry said she was on her last life. Adderspring would be sad to see her pass, but he trusted her deputy, Heronriver, to be a good leader to SunClan. He took over as deputy after Juniperbush's death a season ago, a decision that the majority had agreed with.

Hillpaw, Rookpaw, and Daisypaw had been released early from training to play in the snow. This would be the first snowfall of their lives. Still too young to grasp that the snow meant disease and a shortage of prey, they were over the moon. "Look at it!" yelped Daisypaw. "It's so pretty!" Adderspring laughed and shook his head. He remembered his excitement at being an apprentice, how everything seemed so new and fresh. Sometimes he felt like those times were only just yesterday.

Twigshade was with her sister, Nightfire. They were enforcing the dens and making them stronger in case of a blizzard. Judging by the crisp, white sky, Adderspring figured it was a smart idea. Wildheart came up to help them, followed by Palebranch, whose mouth was full of sticks and other building material.

The elders', Gorsefall and Elmflower, were sharing tongues in a patch of grass still untouched by the snow–when his kits were old enough he'd make sure to raise them on their stories.

Everything seemed so peaceful now. Adderspring finished his mouse and licked his lips, happy to find the gnawing feeling at his belly gone. He was joined by Foxflame, whose pelt was brushed up against the wind and snow. "I can't wait for Newleaf already," he grunted, sitting beside his older brother. "Hunting was a pain today. We were lucky that Willowspots found a nest of baby rabbits."

"Newleaf brings its own set of struggles," sighed Adderspring. "But I know what you mean. I don't fancy the snow either."

"I guess it doesn't matter, huh? The snow will continue to fall, and the prey will continue to hide away in their dens," Foxflame said. He placed his tail over his paws and stared at Adderspring. "How have you been? How are the kits?"

Adderspring dipped his head. "I'm well, thank you. So are the kits. Honeykit is slowly getting over her cold, which is nice. Hailfall also wants to thank you for the rabbits earlier. That was very kind of you."

Foxflame shrugged. "Don't mention it. She needs the strength to nurse the kits."

Adderspring nudged him playfully with his shoulder. "What about you and Hazelfoot? You two seem to be getting closer."

Foxflame scoffed; but Adderspring was amused to see that he was beginning to turn red. "She's a good friend. I like her." Trying to quickly change the subject, Foxflame said, "so much has happened since..you know. It's weird to think about how much time has passed. We're so much older and wiser now."

"You're definitely older, but I wouldn't say wiser," teased Adderspring. Foxflame rolled his eyes but he did a poor job at hiding his grin. Adderspring continued, "I think about that often. I think about the cats we've lost, who would never believe SunClan and PineClan could ever get along..I think about a lot of things."

"Honeyflower?" whispered Foxflame.

"I think about Honeyflower, too," agreed Adderspring.

Foxflame was silent. He stared at the sky, his whiskers twitching slightly. "Do you think she's watching us all the way from StarClan?"

"Yes," Adderspring told him, following his eyes up to the sky. "I know she is."

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