Chapter Fifteen

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A few moons had passed since the battle with PineClan, since Honeyflower had stopped seeing Emberstrike, and since Hollystar had become leader.

A lot had happened since then. Turtlesnap had been moved to the elder's den only a little while after the battle; Lilypond's death still haunted her, and sometimes she'd wake up yowling in the middle of night and Spottedclaw would have to give her herbs to help her fall back asleep. Her apprentice, Hailpaw, was apprenticed to Elmflower following the incident, and although she missed her old mentor, they got along very well. Hailpaw and Adderspring had become close friends and did almost everything together. Honeyflower was sure they'd become mates when Hailpaw was made into a warrior. Foxkit had reached the age of six moons and was now known as Foxpaw. He really liked his mentor, Cloverpath. Wildheart was glad to be back in the warrior's den but sometimes she would reminisce on the times when Foxpaw was still just a little kit suckling at her belly. Patchpaw and Spiderpaw were made warriors shortly after the battle due to their bravery and were now known as Patchsong and Spiderdawn, and finally, Echopaw was apprenticed to Tawnybrook, as her former mentor, Orchidsplash, had been slain in the battle with PineClan.

In the end, Hollystar had chosen Juniperbush as her deputy. She was still nursing kits, and no one was happy. But, as Hollystar had put it, "..loyalty and compassion..two qualities that make a leader." As soon as Twigkit and Nightkit turned six moons old, Juniperbush would begin her new duties.

Honeyflower's belly was only getting bigger. Soon, she'd give birth, and the thought terrified her. She knew that it'd get to the point where she could no longer hide her pregnancy, especially now that Leaf-fall was almost here. She felt like Greenleaf had passed by her in a blur, and she couldn't believe that the leaves were already falling and turning colors. A sunrise ago, they had even gotten snow.

She shivered; it seemed colder now that night had fallen, and there weren't any stars in the sky. The only light came from the light of the full moon, reflecting off of the water of the river and turning the leaves silver.

Adderspring padded along beside her. He brushed against her, fur ruffling; "I'm freezing," he said. "Hopefully it doesn't start snowing again."

"StarClan forbid," sighed Honeyflower.

The stones of the gathering place were silver with pale moonlight. The birds did not stir, and the creek was still. Nothing–or no one–moved. Even the wind had dwindled and let up.

PineClan had still not arrived. Hollystar led her Clan into the stone hollow, her head held high; and if she was nervous she didn't show it. Her deputy Juniperbush followed her. Her kits', Twigkit and Nightkit, were back at camp being watched by Tawnybrook. They were way past five moons old. Soon, they'd be apprentices.

Hollystar bounded on to the fallen branch. Lionstar looked at her, startled. "Hollystripe?" he asked, surprised. "Where's Hawthornstar? And Orchidsplash?"

"They're dead," said Hollystar. Lionstar blinked in shock. "I'm the new leader of SunClan. Juniperbush is my deputy."

Honeyflower heard the muffled whispers of FrostClan cats, and she ducked her head, listening to the rumors that circulated around the tense clearing; PineClan's absence worried them, especially now that the moon was already half-way across the sky, and the death of a leader was always bad news. Honeyflower waited to see what Hollystar would say.

Hailpaw and Foxpaw were able to slip away as the older cats speculated and chatted together. Hailpaw brushed against the side of Adderflight, who flushed and ducked his head. Honeyflower thought the crush was cute, especially because her brother had never taken an interest in anyone before. "I wonder what Hollystar is going to say," Hailpaw whispered, as if reading her mind. She frowned. "PineClan still isn't here either. What's taking them so long?"

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