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Jungkook was certainly not amused after hearing the news. He felt uneasy. The feeling worsened when they arrived at the farm and were greeted by Ji-Cheol.

"Long time no see, hm?" he asked and hugged his friend tightly

"Can't live too long without seeing me?" Byung-Ho joked and grinned

"More like you can't go too long without seeing me. You're getting married in about a week and yet you drove 3 hours here." Ji-Cheol laughed and guided them inside

"Oh, hush before I'm driving back. You invited us, you little rascal!"

"Let's just say we want to enjoy your last moments as a 'free' man." the older men sat down in the kitchen

Jin and Jungkook quietly followed them. The host opened a bottle of Champagne to toast to the bachelor party. He poured four glasses and lifted his own.

"To not being married yet!" Ji-Cheol exclaimed 

"Hear, hear!" Byung-Ho replied and chuckled

Jungkook rolled his eyes and grabbed the remaining two glasses to hand one to Jin.

"Stupid ass're supposed to celebrate getting married and not anxiously count the days until the 'freedom' gets taken away."

"Just let them be. If that's want they want then so be it." Jin replied and sighed

"All I'm saying is that it's also your wedding, so to you getting married. I hope you are happy." JK whispered and locked eyes with his soon to be stepfather 

Jin didn't say anything and looked at his partner enjoying himself. The male chugged down his glass and went to his room. He can't shake off the weird feeling that he gets when Ji-Cheol and Byung-Ho are together but for his partners sake he kept his concerns to himself.

On the third night of their stay the two youngest walked around the property to catch some fresh air after a heated evening.

"I fucking hate monopoly and this hot-ass room." Jungkook complained and fanned himself

"You're just a sore loser. I offered you to give you a loan." Jin chuckled

"Yeah so you could manipulate me into giving you my train station. I looked right through you."

"You're just bad with money but that's okay." Jin patted the younger's back and gave him a comforting smile

"First of all, it's a game. I spend my real money thoughtfully. Secondly, if you were actually that good with money in real life then you can use Dad's money for investment."

"I wouldn't want to do that..." 

Jungkook raised his eyebrow and stared at Jin.

"Why? When you're married then you have access to his account."

"Because then I look like a gold digger!" he complained

"I mean you already do." the student shurgged and avoided a punch by catching the hand

"You little-"

"You're a young, beautiful man with a great humor. Nobody would suspect that you're dating a guy in his 50s when you could have his more attractive son."

Jin whined and tried to free himself but Jungkook just pulled him closer. The latter wrapped his arms around Jin and rested his forehead against the others.

"You're making it hard..." Jin mumbled as he stayed still

"I meant every word I said though. You could do better!"


"We have a connection, don't we?" the younger interrupted

Jin hummed.

"During the last months I have grown fond of you and I just have to get it all out or I might explode. I like you, Jin, I really do. After the Spa I tried to stay away but I couldn't because I missed you every day although you were in the same house. I love your smile, I love your voice, your humor, character, lips and your body although I haven't seen much of it yet."

The other smiled lightly.

"You deserve someone who celebrates you and not spend way too much time with their friend. Someone who lifts you up and gives you everything you want and I believe I can be that man for you. Let me be yours." Jungkook finished his confession, lifted his head and gazed at Jin

Jin stayed quiet as he was scared to say the wrong thing. He was surprised at the confession but it also made him feel warm and tingly on the inside. However, he was also kinda mad at Jungkook for putting him in such a situtation again but this time it is way more serious. He didn't know what to do.

Jungkook noticed the defeating silence between them and he should have known. It was stupid of him to think Jin would ever choose him. He takes a few steps back and let's go of Jin.

"I'm sorry. Just...forget it." he apologised and stormed off back to the house.

Jin collapsed on the ground and pulled his hair. He screamed at himself and shook his head. 

The student ran as fast as he could to hopefully escape the embarrassment that was his confession. He had enough. He was done chasing after someone who doesn't like him the same way and additionally ruin his relationship to his father. Jungkook knew the best thing he could do was leave and that's what he did.

Almost breathlessly he arrived at the house and walked inside. His plan was to collect his stuff and get a taxi. Once he walked into the living room to get his phone he couldn't believe his eyes.

Byung-Ho and Ji-Cheol were sitting on the couch while kissing each other with loud music blasting from speakers. The couple had their hands all over each other and were too busy with each other to even notice the youngest until he made himself known.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Jungkook yelled and turned down the music

The two men gasped and quickly pulled away. The father stood up and wiped his lips before talking.


"Can explain? Save it! You are such a fucking hypocrite!" the student yelled and pushed his father's hands away

"Listen to me, Jungkook, it's just..." Byung-Ho couldn't find any reasonable explanation for what had happened and even his partner looked clueless.

He knew he fucked up and there was no way anything he said would make it better, so he sighed and looked at his son.

"I got grounded for kissing Jin but you can do this days before your wedding? This is fucking ridiculous but honestly I don't fucking care at this point. You guys still going through with this wedding although you cheated on each other is beyond me but I suppose you have your crazy reasons. I told Jin I like him and he still chose you so you better get your fucking act together or we're gonna have a problem."

With that being said he grabbed his phone and stormed off again. The student called a taxi to come pick him up and bring him to his father's home.

"Where are you going?!" Byung-Ho asked as he followed his son

"I'm going back to London."

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