Chapter 3: ♡ 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚍 ♡ (2/3)

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You began to serve the Heartslaybul students breakfast. They waited patiently for their food, some beginning to drool once the aroma hit their noses. You looked back up from serving a student to look at Trey. You smiled softly and continued serving the meals.

Once everyone was served, they still waited to eat. You then realized that Riddle wasn't there yet. You sat in the empty seat next to Trey. They must have added an extra seat because there were an uneven amount of chairs at the table now.

You glanced over toward Trey only to find him already looking at you. He quickly looked away, turning his head and placing a hand against his face. You just smiled and looked past him. There was an empty chair that was carved into to make intricate patterns of roses. Next to the empty chair was a boy with orange hair with a peek-a-boo look of white hair. He was scrolling on his phone, probably looking at social media or something.

He looked awfully familiar too! It was like the feeling you got when you saw Trey this morning. You tried remembering where you had seen him before. You searched your memories and you felt like you had found it, but a sharp pain shot at the back of your head.

You quickly grabbed your head and grunted. Trey looked over at you concerned. "Are you okay, Y/N?" You gave him a slight nod to reassure him, but you don't even know if you're okay.

You looked over to your right and immediately was blinded by a flashing light. You blinked your eyes hard to get used to the lighting again. "And done! #NewExchangeStudent #AGirlInABoysSchool #FirstDay," said the orange haired boy from before. "Hey-" you said while trying to grab his phone.

Once you successfully grabbed his phone, you looked at the photo he took. It looked terrible. You quickly deleted the post and then took a good picture of yourself. You then added the same hashtags as before and posted it. "Next time, just ask," you handed his phone back cheerfully.

He took his phone back and immediately gasped. His phone was ringing repeatedly. "YOU'RE FAMOUS!" You looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"You already have hundreds of likes! So many people have commented too." He began reading them off to you:

"Who is she?!" "She looks so cute"

"Is she attending classes soon???"

"Why's she in Heartslaybul?"

"Love the outfit"

Wow, there really were a lot of comments already! Wait... did someone call you cute?! You blushed slightly at the sudden comment. You looked over to Trey and saw he quickly put his phone away.

"Who wrote the "cute" thing?" The boy scrolled on his phone to find the user. "It's an anonymous account, so I can't check, sorry," he apologized. "You're fine," you reassured him. You looked over to the students and they all appeared to be on their phones looking at your post as well.

They were all looking at you.

You shifted in your chair. You never really liked being the center of attention. And here you are. The center of attention.

You looked back at the students. Some of them just smiled and waved, some looked at their phone and back at you multiple times, and others were snickering amongst themselves and elbowing each other. You quickly tucked your hands into your oversized sleeves and began rubbing the fabric.

The orange haired boy noticed your sudden behavior. "Hey, I'm Cater! And you are..?" You looked back up at him, shifting to face him in your chair. "I am Y/N," you responded. He smiled and asked, "Do you have a phone? We could add each other on Magicam!" He put his hands on his hips and smiled brightly.

A Warped Perspective-Twisted Wonderland Yandere(s) x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now