Invisible Threads

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Through the vast expanse of cyberspace,
In a realm of virtual embrace,
Invisible threads tie hearts as one,
A web of memories, yet undone.

Once upon a time, our paths did cross,
In school days gone, but not lost.
I glimpsed your smile from afar,
My heart fluttered like a shooting star.

Mutual friends and classmates intertwined,
A web of connections, ties that bind.
In this digital world, we coexist,
Though we've never spoken, I still persist.

I watch your stories, every day,
Like a silent spectator, I stay.
Your laughter, your dreams, your joys untold,
Through the pixels, I behold.

In this maze of likes and shares,
A connection blooms, so rare.
Yet, in reality, we've never met,
A bond invisible, but not to forget.

I've tried to reach out, to break the ice,
Yet shyness held me back, sufficed.
What if you never felt the same?
A fear that leaves me in a game.

But still, I linger in your space,
With every click, I long to trace.
The echoes of a distant past,
A love that's bound to forever last.

Invisible threads, they weave and twine,
Our hearts entangled, yours and mine.
A love story yet to unfold,
A tale of wonder, still untold.

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