Chapter One

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How would you describe your high school experience? Some may say theirs was "amazing", "fun", and maybe with a bit of pent-up nostalgia while you're keeled over your one-night stand's toilet throwing up a storm, "the best time of my life". Me on the other hand - "shit show". Bear with me, reader. This isn't a story for the faint of heart. This isn't another teen drama, an early 2000s corn fest with cliches and never=ending singsongs. This is a story about boys and how those boys became men. There were some highs and some lows...really funny lows...mostly at Rick's expense but you get the idea. Well reader, I now bid you good luck as you tread along this journey and attempt to wrap your head around the fuckery. And with that, let the shit show begin! 

"Kori! Kori!" I hear my mom shout as I vacate my stay in dream world. "Boy do you know what time it is!? You can't be late on your first day!" 

Oh shit, high school.

"Alright, alright I'm up", I said with audible sleepiness. 

"You need to be ready in 20 minutes!", she declared. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. As a matter of fact, nervous would be an understatement. My older cousin described high school as a place of wild beasts scanning for their next victim whom they can devour...looking back that asshole was just trying to scare me...I hope.

As I arrived at the school, I got hit with an air that I'd never forget any time soon. It smelt like dread, the sorrow of the students, body odor and most importantly - high school.

As I approached the entrance of my classroom, I The savagery.

Kids horseplaying, words I dare not ask the meaning of, 2000 decibels of pure nonsense and you guessed it...body odor. 

Might as well they put a poster on the door that reads "Welcome 2 Hell"

I then begin a 10 second walk to my seat that ended up feeling like 10 minutes as my classmates' stares felt like sharp daggers against my skin. It was 2 to a seat and I found myself beside this light-skin girl. She was pretty thin and had the droopiest eyes I've ever seen.

Droopy the dog be damned.

"Hi! What's your name?", she asked me enthusiastically.

"Uh..Er..Hi, my name is Kori..uh..hi..wait I already said that."


To my surprise she started to laugh at my verbal fuck up and said her name is Anabelle. Directly Infront of me was this Indian looking guy. He was slouched in his seat and didn't seem talkative. Anabelle then began to speak to the girl beside him. She was dark-skinned, way more thin than Anabelle, had a weird smile and a gravelly voice. 

Suddenly, the assembly bell rang, and everyone rushed outside. We were met by what would be a boring 45-minute speech by the principal, Miss. Sampson that nobody gives one fuck about so I'll just summarize for you.

"Speech, speech, speech, high school bullshit, welcome to the new-year, and have a great semester!"

At least that's how I remember it.

As we were waiting for our principal to wrap up her life changing and monumental sermon, I heard a familiar voice.

"Psst, Kori! It's me!"


Me and Akalia have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Seeing a familiar face calmed my nerves.

"Oh, hey I didn't see you there, weirdo.", I fired.

"Of course you didn't, creep.", she fired back.

Don't you just love banter?

"So, what do you think of the school so far?", she asked while she picked something out of my hair.

"I don't know yet to be honest with you", I replied, "still feeling it out a bit."


A silence then fell between us.

Ok this is getting awkward I need to say something right now.

As soon as I go to open my mouth, she beats me to the tension cutter.

"When's the last time you spoke to Casey?"

Ok that's something that I did not expect.

Casey is our best friend from middle school. I was closer to Akalia than her when I think about it.

"Actually, I haven't in a while. Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"That's weird, after what she told me I thought you two would be talking around the clock." She replied with a bit of confusion on her face.

"What did she tell you?", I enquired.

"I don't think it's my place to tell you.", she said with a bit of reluctance.

"Oh, come on 'lia we're all best friends here. What could be so bad that it would be a problem if I heard it from you?", I insisted.

You may think I insisted out of concern, but the truth is I'm a nosey bastard...more on that later.

After what seemed to be a moment of contemplation, she looks me in the eye.

"Ok you win, here it is..."

To be continued...

Yes I just left you on an obvious and shitty cliffhanger so you want to read the next part, reader. #Nofucksgiven, now...

To be continued...again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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