Snotlout takes Astrid's axe

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 Main Characters:

- Astrid



- Tuff

- Ruff



Everyone is offline.

Snotlout has joined the chat.

S : Guys!!

Hiccup has joined the chat.

Fishlegs has joined the chat.

 H: Snotlout got to sleep. The sun's not even up yet.

F: Yeah Snotlout head to bed.

S: Astrid's going to kill me!

Tuff and Ruff have joined the chat.

R : Oh my thor! Snotlout! We saw everything! Astrid was chasing you with her axe!

T: Couldn't agree more sister.

 H: Let me guess, Snotlout took her axe again?

T: and M'lady is not too pleased with sir Snotlout.

S: Guys! Help!

F: Where even are you?

S: Hiding! What do you think!

H: Snotlout, how are we suppose to help you if we don't know where you are?

S: In my hut! 

Astrid has joined the chat

A: Thanks Snotlout! Time to find you!

F : Oh my Thor...



S: Guys! Save me!

H: I'm going to go stop Astrid! Fishlegs, try to save Snotlout!

F : On it!

S : Hurry!

A : Hello there Snotlout!

S : Guys!!!!!!

Hiccup has left the chat.

Astrid has left the chat.

T : What just happened?

S : I'm alive!

R : Lucky us...

F : Let's just say Hiccup was able to stop Astrid but Hiccup is not very lucky...

S : Who cares? I'm alive and that's all that matters.

Hiccup has joined the conversation.

H : I so regret saving you.

Astrid has joined the chat.

R : What?

H : I'm hurt! All thanks to you Snotlout!

A : Who told you to get in my way!

H : We can't kill Snotlout!

A : Yes we can! He's not important! Nobody will realise that he is gone!

S : What?! I'm important! That's why Hiccup saved me!

H : No, I saved you because if you were to die, what would I say to Spitelout?

R : Drama..

F : l'll help bandage you up Hiccup

H : Thanks Fishlegs.

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