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<Fishlegs and Hiccup>

H : Hey Fishlegs

F : Yea?

H : I need your help

F : With?

H : Planning...

F : Planning for what?

F : Hiccup?

F : Hello???

H : to propose to Astrid..

H : Uh Fishlegs?

Fishlegs has left the chat

H : Well, I guess I'm on my own now


Pov : This groupchat does not have Hiccup in it


Fishlegs has joined the chat

F : Guys!

Snotlout has joined the chat

Tuff has joined the chat

Ruff has joined the chat

Heather has joined the chat

Everyone is online

S : What do you want Fishface

F : Hiccup wants to propose to Astrid!!!

T : 0_0

R : 0_0

S : about time!

F : But guys you have to keep it a secret

F : If Hiccup knows I told all of you he is going to kill me

H : Uhh..

R : Got it!

H : guys...

T : Noted!

H : Guys!

S : What Heather!

H : Astrid is in this group chat

A : what?

R : ...

Ruff has left the chat

Tuff has left the chat

A : Are you joking???

F :.....

Fishlegs has left the chat

Heather has left the chat


<Chat between Astrid and Hiccup>

A : Hiccup

H : Yea? What's up?

A : ....

H : Astrid? You good? Is something wrong?

A : It's just..

H : Astrid just tell me what's going on

A : Did you want to propose to me?

H : How? 

A : That does not matter. Were you kidding cause it was not a good joke

H : w-well... 

H : I admit, I want to propose to you.

H : I was waiting for the perfect moment to do it.

A: Really?

H : Yes Astrid, I mean it.

A : I would have agreed to it.

H : Wait really???

A : Yes Hiccup, I do mean it

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