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Tuff has joined the chat

Ruff has joined the chat

T : Guys!

Snotlout has joined the chat

Fishlegs has joined the chat

F : Yea? What's up?

R : We just found something!

S : What?

S : What did you find!

T : A pregnancy kit!

Hiccup has joined the chat

F : Wait what?

S : And?

R : It's positive!

H : And how do you know that?

T : It has two lines!

S : ....

F : ....

H : ....

F : Whose is it!

H : Well it can only be the girls so...

R : It's not mine! That's for sure!

S : So if it's not your then it has to be...

Astrid has joined the chat

A : Hey guys

A : What did I miss?

T : Speaking of the devil

A : What?

F : The twins found a pregnancy kit.

F : A positive one...

R : It's not mine

T : So...

A : What?

T : Astrid why didn't you tell us you were pregnant!

A : But...

R : Yeah Astrid!

A : Guys....

S : Who's the father?

A : Guys!

A : I'm not pregnant!

F : Wait what?

H : Of course...

H : The twins joking

R : We did it Tuff!

T : We did! We really fooled them!

F : I thought we were having a serious conversation

S : I gotta admit, I got fooled

T : Come on sis!

T : Let's go celebrate!

R : right behind you!

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