Hiccup's surprise party

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Main characters:

- Astrid

- Snotlout




- Heather


Fishlegs is online.

F : anyone online?

Everyone is online.

A : Yea?

S : whatcha want Fish face

F : Well, is anyone's birthday coming up?

T : Let me guess! Astrid's? Heather's?

R : Oh I know! Fishlegs!

F : No!

A : It's hiccups!

T : Ohhh

R : That makes sense

S : And?

H : Well, we want to make a surprise birthday party for him.

S : Count me out!

F : What! 

S : Hiccup's not even that important! Why should he get a birthday party! I didn't get one!

H : Snotlout!

S : What?

F : You better take it back.

S : No! You can't deny the truth

R : Snotlout, Astrid's here

S : So what? What do you think she's going to do? Come into my hut and kill me?

Astrid has left the chat.

H : I think you just got what you wished for.

T : No way!

R : Come on Tuff! We have to see this!

Ruff has left the chat

Tuff has left the chat

S : Uh guys?

H : Your on your own.

F : Well, I guess Snotlout is going to get killed.

S : Shut up Fish face!

H : Well... 

S : Guys! Help! Astrid's in my hut with an axe!

Snotlout has left the chat

H : Well, I guess we will never be hearing from Snotlout again.

Tuff is online

Ruff is online

R : We just saw the amazing!

T : couldn't agree more sister!

F : What happened?

R : Well, we say Astrid heading into Snotlout's hut, getting ready to kill.

T : Then, we heard Snotlout scream!

F : Well, I guess Snotlout's dead

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