Loki Day

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A : Hiccup!

F : Hiccup!

Hiccup has joined the chat

H : ?

H : what's wrong

A : The twins!

H : What about them?

Snotlout has joined the chat

F : their loki day tricks!

S : Hiccup!

H : Oh now what?

H : Let me guess the twins

S : Yes!

S : Wait. How did you know?

H : Lucky guess

A : Anyway...

H : Guys, it's Loki day

H : What did you expect?

H : They dedicated their lives to Loki!

F : But their taking nothing seriously!

S : I want my revenge!

A : How about we prank them!

F : Yes!

S : We will prank them to the death as our revenge!

A : Yes!

H : Uh no!

H : Guys it Loki day

H : It's just pranks for a day

H : We've defeated and trained tons of dragons, why do you think we can't handle this not to the death?

S : Fine...

H : But I didn't say you couldn't prank them back

A : Yes!

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