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<Chat between Heather and Fishlegs>

Heather is online

H : UGH!

Fishlegs is online

F : Heather?

F: What's wrong?

H : Hiccup and Astrid!

H : It's obvious that they love each other but they didn't confess!

F : How about we make them?

H : What? How?

F : You make Astrid confess while I make Hiccup confess.

F : How does that sound

Heather is offline

F : I take that as a yes

<chat between Hiccup and Fishlegs>

Fishlegs is online

F : Hey Hiccup

Hiccup is online

H : Hey

H : What's up?

F : Who do you like?

H : Uh...

H : No one..

F : You're a terrible liar you know that right?

H : Yeah...

F : Just tell me!

F : I won't tell anyone

H : Astrid...

H : I like Astrid....

F : Why don't you tell her!

H : What?

H : Tell her?

F : Astrid is a warrior, one of the best of Berk!

F : Anyone can make her fall in love with them!

F : Who knows, maybe she will like you back!

H : What?

H : Impossible!

F : Why don't you ask?

F : never try never know

H : I'll think about it...

H : I got to go

H : Bye

F : Bye

Hiccup is offline

<Chat between Astrid and Heather>

Heather is online

H : Hey Astrid

Astrid is online

A : Hey

H : What you doing?

A : You know, scrolling through my phone

H : You know Astrid, your hair looks really good today.

A : What do you want from me Heather?

H : What? Nothing...

A : You're using my method. You gave me the honey already so you definitely want something from me.

A : You know I'm right

H : That is true...

A : So? What do you need to know?

H : Who do you like?

A : What?

A : What are you talking about?

H : You like Hiccup right?

A : What?

A : no! We're just friends.

H : I've seen the way you look at each other.

A : Fine... I do like Hiccup...

A : But don't tell anyone!

H : Why don't you confess to him?

A : What!

A : No!

A : It could ruin our friendship!

A : What if he rejects me!

H : Come on! Just do it!

A : Fine...

Astrid is offline

<Chat between Astrid and Hiccup>

Astrid is online

Hiccup is online

A : I want to tell you something

H : I want to tell you something

A : You first

H : ladies first

A : But you're the future chief of Berk

H :....

H : Astrid... I...

H : I like you!

H : If you don't feel the same way, it's fine.

A : Hiccup...

H : Yeah?

A : I... I like you too!

H : What?

A : I've liked you from the first day I met you!

H : So...

H : Does that mean we're...

A : Together. Boyfriend and girlfriend thing.

A : I'm going to drop by at your place

A : See you soon!

Astrid is offline

Hiccup is offline

----some time later(aka 1 hour)---

<Group chat>

Tuffnut is online

Snotlout is online

Ruffnut is online


Fishlegs is online

Heather is online

F : What are you talking about?


R : They're not here for training

F : Uh...

H : Let's just say their spending time with each other.

S :Oooh Hiccstrid

F : Hiccstrid?

R : Hiccup x Astrid

T : I thought they were the brains around here

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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