That time of the month

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<group chat>

Hiccup has joined the chat

Fishlegs has joined the chat

Astrid has joined the chat

Snotlout has joined the chat

H : Where are you guys?

S : What do you mean

Tuff has joined the chat

Ruff has joined the chat

H : I was talking to the twins...

T : What do you mean?

F : Where have you been?

R : we just watched Snotlout burn his undies!

S : Shut up!

H : At least we know what the twins were doing

F : What about Astrid?

A : What about me?

H : Where have you been?

A : Spending time with myself?

H : Astrid you never miss training.

A : ....

H : Astrid.

Astrid has left the chat

Hiccup has left the chat

F : well there goes Hiccup and Astrid

T : wonder what's so secretive that they can't tell everyone

R : it's something you vikings will never understand

<chat between Astrid and Hiccup>

H : So.

A : So?

H : what's going on with you?

H : where were you?

A : I was in my hut.

A : I'm fine

H : no you're not fine

H : you never miss dragon training

A : ......

A : You know in a woman's life they have to experience a bit of pain and bleed in their private part for a week per month?

A : Well it's happening to me right now...

H : Astrid...

A : sorry if its spooking you out right now.

H : its not Astrid

A : it's normal

A : But it might make you feel spooked especially when you see blood flowing out of your body.

A : Hiccup?

Hiccup is offline

A : Great! He's spooked out! He was the only person that made me feel a sense of happiness during this week.

Hiccup is online

H : Astrid open the door

A : What! No!

H : Astrid. Please. I'm not spooked.

H : I want to be there for you

A : but.

H : Astrid, we've been through so much together, you think we can't handle this?

A : I...

H : I can stay by your side Astrid. You've always been there for me and I always want to be there for you.

H : So please open the door.

A : fine. Be there in a sec

H : Thank you Astrid

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