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I said softly opening the door to the shooting zone, he didn't realise I had entered so I just stood there waiting for him to realise,

'Sam ',

I said softly once again this time Sam actually turned around, he began to face me. He slowly walked towards me, looking at me his eyes softened,

'you look like you need a hug',

Sam said opening his arms for me to walk into. I slowly walked into his arms and he immediately wrapped his arms around me, he lifted me off the ground allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist,

'what's going on?',

Sam whispered in my ear as he ran his hand up and down my back,

'I just needed a Sam hug',

I whispered back to Sam. Sam pulled back and began to look at me,

'baby I need the truth',

Sam said, I looked away and then looked back to him,

'I just need sleep',

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