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'well good night y/n',
Deeks said beginning to walk into his room, I grabbed his arm pulling him back,
I whisper yelled, I looked at the ground shyly before looking back up to him, he look at me slightly confused,
'everyone is asleep you know',
I said moving my hands to the tie on my robe, he looked at me slightly confused yet again,
'what are you suggesting?',
Deeks asked me quietly, I shrugged my shoulders slightly,
'I'm thinking that maybe we could get up to some of the activities that we normally do when we're not undercover and surrounded by the team',
I said somewhat quietly. Deeks raised his eyebrows at me,
'I do like the way that you think but are you sure?',
Deeks asked, I nodded my head and walked into his bedroom. He quickly kicked the door shut behind him, it immediately locked as I fully untied my robe, I turned around to face him. He had a large smirk on his face, I began to smile at him,
'I truly hope they stay asleep',
Deeks said walking towards me. My smile grew larger, Deeks' hands moved to my clothes,
'I say we should definitely get you out of these'.