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'y/n open the door',

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'y/n open the door',

Sam said banging on the bathroom door, I ignored him continuing to cry,

'Sam just go away',

I yelled back to him,

'that's fine if you won't talk to me but you need to talk to someone',

He yelled before I heard him slowly walk away, I tried to control my breathing but I could not stop crying,


I heard Sam say again knocking on the door slightly, I shook my head,

'Sam I told you to go away!',

I somewhat yelled making sure my voice didn't crack when I spoke trying to get him to go away,

'if you won't talk to me at least talk to Deeks',

Sam yelled before I heard him walk away, I saw footsteps get closer to the door, I realised it was my boyfriend, Deeks. I let out a slight breath,

'y/n open the door',

Deeks said quite softly, I let out another breath and opened the door. As soon as I saw Deeks the tears continued to flow,

'come here baby'.

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