k e y s

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'y/n you gotta work with me here',

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'y/n you gotta work with me here',

Deeks said as he carried me into his apartment, I smiled at him,

'why you're doing such a good job?',

I said patting his cheek, he smiled at me shaking his head slightly,

'do you have my keys?',

Deeks asked me, I shrugged my shoulders at him,


He said slightly looking down at me, I reached down my dress into my bra and pulled out his keys, his eyes widened,

'I am going to try and ignore how hot that was and tell you to unlock the door',

Deeks said as he avoided looking me in the eyes, keeping them focused on the door. I leaned out of his arms slightly so I could unlock the door before slowly pushing it open. Deeks stepped side ways through the door so I wouldn't hit my head or my legs on the door frame,

'you know if you think I'm that hot we could always, you know?'.

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