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'who is it?',

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'who is it?',

I yelled at whoever knocked on my front door, I quickly raced around my place trying to find a pair of pants so that I wouldn't be answering the door butt naked. I found a pair of pants and began to put them as I ran to the door, nearly falling over in the process,

'y/n it's just me',

I heard Deeks yell, I let out a slight breath relaxing slightly,

'give me a second',

I yelled back at him so I could in fact take my time putting my pants on. I finally got to the door, and quickly zipped and buttoned my pants up before opening up the door,

'did you fall over in the process of getting to the door cause I heard a little bit of a thud before you got here?',

Deeks asked me, I avoided his eye contact,

'I wasn't wearing pants so I kind of had to put them on',

I said to him, he smirked at me raising his eyebrows,

'you may as well have left them off, cause I was about to walk in here propose a game of strip interrogation'.

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