The Sounds of War

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Immediately we were met with cannon fire. I ducked my head against the heat of the blast and surged forward with all my might.

I knew that my time running was going to be short-lived. My leg would give out before the invasion started. But until that time, I was giving it all I had.

The battlements surrounding us on the cliff side were raining down fire balls on us. The earth benders of our group began returning the favor with boulders, eliminating the threat from them. The Mechanic's incredible tanks gave us a huge advantage.

Suddenly a fleet of the Fire Nation's tanks surged towards us. On our side, several machines the Mechanic had created were carrying supplies of rocks and water for us to fight with. I lined up with the swamp benders and used the water to block the blasts from the tanks. I brought my ball of water close to me and spun around on my right leg, thrusting my hands forward as I completed the circle. My stream of water hit the front left, and another bender's hit the back right. THis caused the tank to spin around and slam into another. I grinned at our accomplishment, but there were more coming.

"We're a man down," one of the swamp bender's said. "Where in tarnation is Huu?"

Who? I wondered as I blocked us from another blast.

Suddenly there was a huge splash coming from the ocean. I spun around and nearly cried out as a huge, green, slimy thing erupted from the depths. It slung its arm forward and snatched up a Fire Nation tank then tossed it easily into the water. I felt my stomach crawl into my throat, thinking we would have this to worry about as well as it chucked another tank over our heads.

The swamp bender's gaze followed the airborne tank as it exploded behind us. Then one of them turned to it and waved.

"Hey, Huu. Where you been?" He called in his twangy voice.

I gasped as the seaweed parted to reveal someone inside. The man poked his head out and smiled. "Comunin' with nature. Takes a while to gather this much seaweed."

I scratched my head. I remembered Katara mentioning something about a water bender who could control plants when we were with Hama. I assumed this was the guy.

I ran ahead to where a group of Water Tribe and Fire Nation soldiers were facing off. The Fire Nation rode a bunch of Kimodo Rhinos that had catapults attached to their saddles.

I leapt into battle. It took me a second to realize I was fighting alongside my father. Heart pounding, I faced off with a soldier.

"Little young for this, aren't you?" He growled as he pelted me with fireballs.

I didn't respond. I drew my sword and spun into a powerful thrust, knocking the flat side against his chest. He grunted and I slammed my hilt into his head, taking him out.

I spun around, looking for my next opponent. I saw a Fire Nation soldier about to shoot a blast at my father's unprotected back. I opened my water pouch.

"Dad, look out!" I heard Sokka yell.

I leapt in front of him as he turned. I whipped out a blob of water and intercepted the blast. However, the force knocked me into my father. I stumbled back into him, nearly falling, but he caught me by my shoulders. For a second, we made eye contact, and a confused look overcame his face. I glanced behind him to see another soldier running towards us.

I gripped my dad's shoulder with one hand and my sword with the other and catapulted myself over his head, slamming my feet into the soldier's helmet. The enemy went down. Snapping out of it, my father grabbed the spear from another attacker and swung it in a wide arc.

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