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Raiko and I nervously began making our way to Piandao's desk. A million thought were racing through my head. Would he send us back to the hideout? Would be punish us? Would he sell us out to the military?

Piandao was doing his usual calligraphy when we approached. He took his time before speaking to us, writing long, slow strokes. Finally he spoke.

"Sounds like you two had a fun time in the bamboo forest," he said.

"Sir, we were doing what is best for the world-" I started.

Piandao held up his hand to silence me. "Do not grovel. Honestly, right now in not sure what to do with you two. I must protect you until someone from the City of Outcasts comes and retrieved you, for that is what I agreed to do. However-" he began pacing in front of us. "I'm not sure I can keep you two safe if you don't take any precautions yourselves. Pretending to be a spirit?! Could you be anymore careless?"

Raiko huffed our defense. "They were going to use those weapons to defeat an Earth Kingdom army. Hopefully with our delay they will be able to overtake the Fire Nation in that battle and bring us one step closer to winning this war."

Piandao stopped to face us. "I respect the reasons you two did what you did. I want this war over as much as anyone, but if this news got back to Kachi, I don't know if I could keep my word and protect you two. Now, I'm ordering you two to start laying low. Don't bring distractions to yourselves-"

"We were just-" I began protesting.

Piandao cut me off. "No! No more fights at school, no more sneaking off, and definitely no more intercepting supply wagons." He let his words hang over us in a stony silence for a bit. Then he said, "now go to bed. Tomorrow you two will remain here."

Raiko and I silently stood up and walked back to our rooms, which were right across the hall from each other. Before we went in, Raiko leaned against his door. "He's grounding us? I don't recall that being part of the deal with Koza!"

"He did tell us to do as Piandao told us," I said solemnly.

"I don't understand why we couldn't stay behind," Raiko said. "There's always been bad blood between us and the Agni Kai's. Why send us away now?"

I remained silent. I didn't want to tell Raiko that I had killed Kachi's daughter and created an all-out war. Not something I really felt like dropping in on the conversation.

Raiko noted my silence. "You know why, don't you?"

"No," I said stiffly. "I don't."

"You're a bad liar," Raiko said. "You know exactly why we were sent away. What I don't know is why you won't tell me."

I struggled for an answer. "Kachi and her forces invaded the hideout. Hikura probably thought it was getting too dangerous for us. I mean, she did capture us and torture you."

Raiko narrowed his eyes. He knew I wasn't telling him. And I also knew he wasn't going to let it go. Before he could press on, I said a hasty goodnight and stepped inside my room, closing the door behind me.

I climbed under the sheets and covered my head. If I could go back in time and reverse what I did, I would. I tried not to think about it too much, but every time the murder was mentioned, it was like being stabbed in the back with a guilt-sword.

I fell into a fitful sleep. I dreamed I was holding Kachi's daughter's head, laughing manically while covered in blood. I woke up in cold sweat and didn't sleep the rest of the night.

The next day passed uneventfully, seeing as I wasn't allowed to leave the room. I didn't even think about disobeying Piandao. I had a feeling he could be a lot scarier if he wanted to be.

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