Black Forest

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The boat rocked slowly back and forth. I sat with my back against the wall and my head pressed into my curled-up knees. My finger traced some of the striated scar tissue on my leg absentmindedly. I was tired. Too tired to be worried about what was coming.

After the failed invasion, Raiko, Kuzira, and I were put in prison along with the other captured members of our group. The children among the army had escaped on Appa. We had no idea where they were, or even if they made it out safely. We had no idea where we were going, or what would happen. For all we knew, we were going to be executed.

There was a silver lining. My dad and I were together. At least for the time being. I was too exhausted to do much talking, but just having his presence there was comforting. I was also with Raiko and Koza. I didn't know where Kuzira was. Somewhere on the ship in another cell.

A few hours into the trip I glanced up at Koza, who was sitting silently and staring at the wall.

"I'm sorry."

Koza, startled, glanced down at me. "For what, Badger?"

I shut my eyes and shook my head. "None of the Outcasts would be here if it wasn't for me. You all risked you lives because I asked you to, and look where we ended up." I glanced back up at him. "I'm sorry. To you too, Raiko."

Koza's gaze softened. "Badger, we knew the risks when we entered that battlefield. We knew the risks when we agreed to enter that battlefield. And you know what? It doesn't matter if we lost this battle."

"How can you say that?" I said. "You don't even know what's going to happen to us."

Koza smiled a small smile. "Because, Badger, I have hope. The Avatar escaped. We're not dead yet. The war is not lost. Today was a loss, yes, but there will be another day. And another. And endless days until the Fire Lord is overthrown and peace returns to the world. It might be next week, or not in our lifetime at all. But no matter how chaotic and dark the world is, there is always a glimmer of light, no matter how small. And I firmly believe that that glimmer of light will overcome the darkness."

Despite the situation, I smiled. I felt a reassuring squeeze on my hand and looked up at Raiko, who was smiling as well. I placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around mine.

"We'll be okay," he promised.

I grinned against his shoulder. "I know."


I don't know how many days we were on the ship. With no window, there was no sense of time. But after what felt like days to me, the entire room lurched, and the rocking of the ship stopped.

"We've docked," Koza said.

Soon, a large group of soldiers came into our cell. Everyone's hands were bound behind their backs and their mouths gagged. But for me, they placed a bag over my head.

"Hey!" Raiko yelled.

"What are you doing to her?" Koza protested.

There was a loud sound, and Koza groaned. I clenched my muslces. They had hit him.

"We know she's a water bender," I heard a soldier say. "She and the dirty swamp people are getting the same treatment. Earthbenders too."

I wished with my entire being that Toph was on this ship. We'd be out of here in a heartbeat.

I felt my hand get chained to what felt like a long chain. I could feel it being strained in all directions, and realized they had chained us all together. Our feet received the same treatment.

We were lead out of the room. I was blindly trusting the pull of the chain. The lack of sight scared me, and I gained a newfound respect for Toph.

The metal beneath my feet changed to wood, and I realized we must be on the dock.

Passing right over water, I thought. That's why they blindfolded me. No chances being taken here.

I had no idea where we were. After several minutes the hood was ripped off my head. We had passed the docks. There was no threat from me.

I could see where they were taking us. There was a large, metal building up ahead, with barred windows and a lack of happiness. I felt my heart racing and got flashbacks of being imprisoned by Kachi.

They led us down the pathway. Surrounding the prison was nothing; just forest as far as the eye could see. And of course, the metal wall that had to be at least twenty feet tall.

"No getting out of here," I muttered.

As we approached, a section of the wall parted, allowing us in. As soon as the many rows of prisoners were through, it slammed shut behind us. I pursed my mouth and furrowed my eyebrows. My stomach churned and I awaited the worst.

On the inside, I realized it was all metal. Even the ground was covered by a layer of metal. Meant to be earthbender-proof.

Spirits, Toph, I wish you were here.

They lined us all up in a block in front of the metal building. The door opened and out came a man followed by four guards. He was obviously the warden of this prison. His uniform was embroidered with some special insignia. He was extremely buff; his muscles bulged through his uniform greatly. He had a bald head and a short beard. His cold eyes looked over all of us with disgust. When they landed on me and Raiko, he cocked an eyebrow.

"I didn't realize this was becoming a daycare center." His guard laughed, and he smiled smugly.

"My name is Warden Zei. I am the commander of the Black Forest Prison, which is to be your new home for the next, oh, several decades." He cackled to himself. "During your stay here, there are rules in which you must abide by, or the consequences will be..." his gaze traveled over us. "Severe.

"There is absolutely no bending within prison walls. Ay bending will result in three days in solitary confinement. That means no food and no water. Next, you will obey all orders given by me and the guards who will be watching over you, otherwise, you will be sentenced to solitary confinement. No fighting, no rioting, you will only leave your cell when you are allowed. Otherwise, you will be sentenced to

"Solitary confinement, we get it," I muttered. I yelped and leapt back as a large fireball landed in front of me.

The warden stood with his fist out, smoke still trailing from the knuckles. "State you name and origin, girl."

I glared at him. "Well, I was born in the Water Tribe but I kidnapped as a child and raised in the Fire Nation, and my birth name is Mara but I've been going by Badger my entire life so really it's up to you what you want, Zei."

He glared at me for a second, then motioned to the guards. They came forward and roughly uncuffed me from the chain connecting me to the rest of the prisoners. They pinned my arms behind my back and shoved me forward and down onto my knees in front of the warden.

Warden Zei regarged me with cold eyes. "I can see the resemblance. You're related the Chief Hakota, aren't you? The leader who was separated and left on the ship once you docked."

"He was what?" I turned around and tried to scan the prisoners for my father, but the guards yanked my head back to face the Warden.

"Listen to me, girl. You might think that because you're younger than the rest of my prisoners that I'll treat you differently. But you could not be further from the truth. You will receive the exact same treatment as the rest of your friends staying here. So you'd best behave. Am I clear?"

I looked up from where I was glaring at the ground and stared him straighten the eye. "So, what do you think you're going to call me? I kid of need to know so there's no confusion..."

"Guards! Solitary confinement for this one. Let her be an example for the others."

I was pulled to my feet and led towards the prison. The Warden faced me as I was dragged. "You've got spirit in you, girl. Don't worry. We'll break that soon enough."

I met his hard gaze. "I don't want to be here anymore. But don't worry. I'll break out soon enough."

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