Black Snow

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Katara launched her snowball at Sokka, laughing as it nailed him in the face. Frowning, Sokka wiped the snow out of his ponytail and began constructing a snowball for himself to return the favor.

Then the snow began falling.

Katara looked up at the sky, fear shining in her eyes. The black snow was mixed in with the white, encasing the beautiful landscape with a dingy gray cover. She noticed many of the village men running towards the outskirts of her home, weapons drawn. Panic growing in her chest, she looked back at Sokka.

"I'm going to find Mom," she said. Without waiting for his response, she rushed past him towards their small igloo.

By the time her short legs carried her to the hut, someone had already beaten her there.

A tall Fire Nation soldier stood in the center of the igloo, his armor the color of blood, and his face seeming as though it was lacking the stuff. He had sharp, prominent features and a wide mouth. But his scariest feature were his eyes. Cold and golden, they glinted pure hatred and evil. Katara felt a chill up her spine as he glared at her.

Behind him sat Katara's mother and younger sister, Mara, a toddler of only two years old, sitting in the corner and chewing on her coat sleeves as though nothing was wrong. But Katara could tell there was something not right. Not only because of the man, but the tension and fear was as thick as fog in the room.

"Just let her go and I'll give you the information you want," her mother said to the soldier.

"Mom?" Katara whimpered. "I'm scared."

"Go find your dad sweetie," her mother replied gently but firmly. "I'll handle this."

Katara hesitated, but then the man turned and glared at her.

"You heard you mother!" he snapped. "Get out!"

Reluctantly, Katara turned and sprinted out the door to find her father. The sounds of yelling and fighting filled the air. Katara just wanted to crawl in a hole and hide, but she has to find her father.
Finally, she spotted him shoving a Fire Nation soldier away.

"Dad!" she yelled. "I think Mom's in trouble! There's a man in our house!"

He turned, fear in his eyes and began running to their igloo. "Kya!"


When she heard the sounds of
fighting, Kya immediately knew what was happening. She stood abruptly to go find Sokka and Katara when the man entered her igloo.

As if his appearance wasn't terrifying enough, his gravelly, rough voice made the hair on her arms stand on end.

"Tell me where the two remaining waterbenders are and I'll leave you in peace."

It took all her concentration to keep her facial expression passive. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me, woman," he growled. "Our scouts have clarified that two waterbenders have come to existence in this forsaken land. Now, before I lose my patience, tell me who they are."

Just then Katara ran in through the flap that covered the entrance. Kya's heart almost stopped. This was one of the benders the man was looking for. She has to get her daughter out of here.

After a brief conversation, Katara finally left. Kya breathed a sigh of relief.

The Fire Nation man turned back to her. "I'll ask you one more time. Who are the waterbenders?"

Kya furrowed her brow. "There are none. The Fire Nation wiped them all out a long time ago."

Kya could tell the man was getting mad. "We know they're here
somewhere. If you don't give me the information I will burn this entire village to the ground."

Kya didn't try to hide the look of horror on her face. She looked at the ground and sighed. "If I tell you, will you leave the village?"

The man grudgingly nodded.

"There's only one,"she said, choking back tears. "Only one waterbender lives here."

The man leaned down in her face. She could smell the acrid scent on his breath and tried not to gag as she said her next words.

"It' me. Take me as your prisoner."

The man smiled cruelly. "I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today."

Kya took one last look at her young daughter before everything went black.

Yon Rha

Just before the Yon Rha left the pathetic ice cube these people called a home, something caught his eye.

The small child who'd been sitting in the corner was playing with her hands, which he knew was normal at that age. The thing that caught Yon Rha's attention was what was going on in front of the girls hands.

The mother had lied. There were two waterbenders in this awful tribe. And one of them was this small child.

Even Yon Rha wouldn't kill a child, but he knew he couldn't allow her to grow up and become a warrior.

He grabbed the young girl, stuffing a bit if blanket in her mouth to muffle her screams. He exited the igloos and gave the signal for his men to retreat.

As the door to the ship closed, Yon Rha swore he could hear the cries of a little Water Tribe girl yelling for her mother.


Yon Rha stood outside the building. This place would be perfect. The young girl wouldn't have a chance to make it anywhere; she'd live her adolescent life as a maid until someone could return in a few years to collect her.

The woman who ran the establishment ran outside. Yon Rha shoved the child into the woman's arms. "Tell her she came from and orphanage to here. We will be back in the future to collect her for prison."

The woman looked extremely confused. She looked down at the baby with some sort of hopelessness, as though she couldn't handle another mouth to feed. Yon Rha didn't care. The child wasn't his responsibility. His only job had been to find the two remaining Waterbenders, which he'd done successfully.

He left the woman coaxing the baby to stop crying.

Don't worry, little bender, he thought maliciously. Someday you will be in a prison, where you and all your dirty kind belong.

My name is Lauren and this is my first fanfiction--thank you for checking it out.

I finished writing this recently, so those who read it now have a complete story--I hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely day and thank you so much for reading!

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