Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

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After my little incident, I went aboveground to be alone.

I almost wished I was back in crutches. The looks I got then didn't bug me, because then I was too hurt. But now, the looks I received just made me mad at them and angry with myself for not being quick enough to get out of the wreckage.

I looked at me leg, now scarred and weak. After examining it, I turned away, feeling my anger boil up again.

I walked to the woods and found Lily. She raised her head and barked happily at my arrival. I smiled and stroked her head. At least she didn't change the way she acted toward me.

"You wanna go back to Piandao's, girl?" I asked her gently, petting her neck. "I sure do."

I was almost afraid to go back. The main reason I wanted to go was because I thought he would treat me normally, not like I'd gotten my leg chopped off. But if he didn't, then the two places I could call home both made me angry. I didn't want to be bitter until everyone realized I was the same person from before. For everyone to have that epiphany could take a long time.

I heard the sound of carriage wheels and my head popped up. I limped to the end of the forest and peeked out right as a group of about a dozen Fire Nation soldiers passed by, all in a neat formation.

I smiled evilly. Well, maybe I could speed up the process.

I walked back to Lily and hopped on top of her. She stood up quickly, ready to carry me through my own personal mission.

I bended a blob of water from the stream and carried it on top of Lily. I urged her to run ahead of the group of soldiers. It wasn't that hard; they were all on foot besides a small wagon they were pulling.

I stood in the shadows, just ahead of them and took a deep breath. Right before they passed, I sent a thin layer of water in front of them and froze it. Just as I expected, the first four slipped on it and slammed into the ones behind them, causing a chain reaction of falling Fire Nation soldiers.

Choking back laughter, I snapped Lily's reins while they were all distracted. She leapt out into the opening, landing right on top of the wagon, splintering it and the contents under her feet before jumping away with me on her back. I whooped in joy and relished the ride.

I turned her around and used my remaining water to smack a tentacle of water at one of the soldiers who hadn't fallen. He dodged it and sent a fireball in my direction, which I intercepted with my water. Most of the soldiers were recovering, and I knew I couldn't take them all at once. I turned Lily away and she sprinted off, outdistancing the men running after us in seconds.

When they were out of sight, I steered her back into the woods, laughing my head off. I'd just single-handedly take out a supply wagon. Granted, it was a small one, but a wagon nevertheless.

I removed Lily's saddle and bridal. She went to the stream and gulped greedily. I knelt next to her and drank some as well. When I was done I sat against a tree and grinned to myself.

"'I sure showed them, huh, Lily?" I snickered. "I can still do everything I could. The limp is just an unfortunate event."

I stood and brushed off my tunic. "Alright, girl, I'd better get back. Thanks for all the help."

I entered in through town the side way. At one point, I saw one of the soldiers I had attacked and nearly had a panic attack, but I managed to slip by unnoticed.

I arrived in the alley where the tunnel was hidden and slid the boxes away from the hole. I jumped into the darkness and pulled the box back across.

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