Three : Kalapradarshan

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~𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂'𝓼 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓸𝔀~

It was the day of Kalapradarshan in Hastinapur, and the grand palace hummed with anticipation and excitement. From the first rays of dawn, the air was charged with electric energy as bustling figures scurried to and fro, making elaborate preparations for the highly-anticipated event.

The majestic halls and corridors echoed with the sounds of voices, laughter, and music, blending together in a symphony that seemed to breathe life into the ancient walls. The aroma of fragrant flowers hung in the air, intertwining with the tantalizing scent of freshly prepared delicacies wafting from the palace kitchens.

Amongst the hustle and bustle, Aanya's heart thumped with a mix of nerves and eagerness. Like the other inhabitants of the palace, she eagerly awaited the momentous sight of all the Kuru princes, whom she had only read about, gathered together. However, a cloud of unease cast a faint shadow over her excitement, stemming from the incident that had occurred the day before.

Try as she might, Aanya couldn't banish the memory from her mind. It clung to her thoughts like a stubborn vine, its tendrils of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks and evoking a flush of color.

"Kanha, please don't leave me alone," Aanya pleaded with a hint of desperation in her voice. She couldn't bear the thought of facing any embarrassing situations again today.

Krishna chuckled mischievously and replied, "Of course not! Just cling to me like a child. It won't be embarrassing at all," teasing her.

Aanya pouted and retorted, "But I'm your sister! I have the right to cling to you whenever I want."

Gently pointing towards a certain spot, Krishna said, "You need to go and sit over there."

Confusion and disappointment filled Aanya's face as she looked at the designated seating area, where Gandhari and Kunti were already seated. "Without you?" she asked, her frown deepening.

Dushala noticed Aanya standing there and approached her with a welcoming smile before greeting, "Pranipat Vasudev."

Krishna warmly blessed her, "Kalyan ho."

Dushala nodded towards Aanya and exclaimed, "Aanya, come with me."

Reluctantly, Aanya muttered, "Okay," and followed Dushala. She politely greeted Kunti and Gandhari before settling between Kunti and Dushala.

As Aanya's gaze wandered around, she suddenly straightened up as an announcement was made for the first prince to enter the arena. Excitement and anticipation filled her as she watched Yudhishthir make his grand entrance.

Yudhishthir's eyes resembled lotus petals, their copper orbs shining like stars in the night sky. He had a sturdy build and moved with the grace of a fully grown lion, each step exuding power and confidence. His complexion was fair, akin to the first rays of dawn, and his nose boasted a sharpness reminiscent of a finely honed blade. Despite the intensity of the moment, his expression remained calm, like a peaceful lake on a summer day. There was an air of maturity around him, much like that of a wise old tree standing strong amidst a storm.

With utmost reverence, he knelt before Guru Dronacharya, seeking his blessings before commencing his performance. Dronacharya graciously blessed him and encouraged him to showcase his talent.

Aanya sat there in sheer wonder, completely enthralled by Yudhishthir's performance. Her gaze remained fixated on him, never straying elsewhere. "Woah! He is incredible," she whispered to herself, unable to contain her admiration for his mesmerizing skills.

As the spectacle unfolded, Aanya continued to watch with unwavering fascination. Kunti looked upon her son with immense pride, and a warm smile graced her face.

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