Seventeen : Salty and Sweet

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-𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓽𝔂 𝓐𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 & 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓼-

Aanya strolled through the corridor, accompanied by Karna. Her melodious chuckle reverberated, filling the space. Upon hearing her laugh, Arjun turned around, his face initially lighting up with a smile. However, as he saw Aanya by Karna's side, his expression swiftly transformed into a scowl. Disgruntled, he moved to the side, waiting for her to settle into her palanquin while she greeted everyone.

The air was tinged with sadness as Aanya bid farewell. It seemed as though she had worked a little magic, effortlessly embedding herself in the hearts of those around her. The warmth and affection she had received in the past few months had created an unbreakable bond.

Aanya could feel her heart weighing heavily within her chest. Besides her Dadi, she had never truly known the meaning of family. The love and acceptance she had experienced here had touched her deeply, making it all the more difficult to bid goodbye.

Nakul, attempting to lighten the somber mood, jokingly remarked, "I will miss seeing your ugly face."

"Me too, you silly!" Aanya chuckled in response. "And Bhrata Bheem, do not devour all the laddus alone, or soon enough, you may turn into one yourself."

Bheem burst into laughter, shaking his head at Aanya's words. Kunti gently caressed Aanya's cheeks before enveloping her in a warm and heartfelt embrace.

Aanya stole one final glance at everyone, her eyes lingering on Arjun. She sighed as he avoided meeting her gaze.

Suddenly, the palanquin jolted as it lifted off the ground. Aanya turned her gaze toward the palace, tears welling up in her eyes. She brushed away the tear that rolled down her cheek with her hand.

Resting her head against the cushioned back, Aanya let out a heavy sigh filled with both longing and sadness. Meanwhile, her eyes fixed upon Arjun's figure, riding ahead on his horse.

"Arjun," she called out, but her call fell on deaf ears as he continued to ignore her.

"Inko bhi mood swings hone lage hai kya," she muttered softly under her breath.

Arjun couldn't help but steal a glance at her. His heart fluttered as he watched her conversing animatedly with the woman walking beside her palanquin, her soft curls cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with joy, and he found himself captivated by her laughter, causing a smile to form on his own face.

In that brief moment, Arjun's eyes met Aanya's. However, instead of reciprocating his gaze, she narrowed her eyes at him before swiftly pulling the curtains of her palanquin, hiding herself from his sight.

Arjun shook his head and spurred his horse, riding in alignment with her palanquin. He softly called out her name, "Aanya."

Aanya pretended not to hear him, stubbornly resting her head on the pillow inside the palanquin. Her weariness slowly caught up with her, and as she felt her eyes grow heavy, Arjun's voice broke through her drowsiness once more. "I'm trying to sleep, Arjun," she grumbled.

Arjun let out a sigh, realizing he wasn't going to get a response anytime soon. "Fine! Sleep," he said.

After some time, Aanya woke up, feeling a slight ache in her neck from sleeping in one position for too long. She couldn't help but groan softly, attempting to soothe the pain. Rubbing her face, she curiously glanced outside, only to catch a glimpse of Arjun on his horse. Quickly, she covered the curtains again.

Unfazed by her attempt to hide, Arjun spoke up with a mischievous tone. "So, you're finally up," he teased, his voice filled with affection and amusement.

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