Six : Blushing Hearts

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~𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼~

"How can I possibly allow my children to wage a war against Drupad, Guru Drona?" Dhritrashtra's voice trembled as he voiced his worry. Today was supposed to be the day when he announced Duryodhan as the Yuvraaj of Hastinapur, but Guru Drona's unexpected appearance had put a halt to the decision. The Guru had presented a condition before Dhritrashtra, demanding that any of his students who wished to be declared as the rightful heir must prove their worth by defeating Drupad and compelling him to apologize for past transgressions.

Dhritrashtra's words echoed in the tense silence of the court, his desperation palpable. "But they are still young, inexperienced! How can they possibly go up against a seasoned warrior like Drupad? Is there no other way, Guru Drona?"

Guru Drona, frustration evident in his eyes, turned towards Dhritrashtra with a mixture of disappointment and determination. He spoke with a calm yet firm voice, "Maharaj, it is important to understand that the journey towards greatness is not one paved with ease. It demands sacrifice, courage, and unwavering determination. If the Kuru Princes truly wish to claim their rightful place as leaders, they must prove their mettle on the battlefield."

Dhritrashtra, desperate to protect his beloved sons, asked Guru Drona for an alternative course of action. His voice trembled with a mix of concern and desperation as he offered anything, even land, in exchange for a safer path. "Guru Drona, I implore you to consider an alternative. Anything you ask for, any territory you desire, I will gladly grant it to you."

Guru Drona's gaze softened momentarily, understanding the concerns of Dhritrashtra. However, his resolve remained unshaken as he gently replied, "Maharaj, if you cannot provide what I have asked for, then I have no desire for anything else. It is crucial for these princes to understand the value of loyalty and to fight for the respect of their Guru. If they are unable to do so, then they do not deserve to be future kings."

As these words hung in the air, Guru Drona turned away, ready to exit the court. But his departure was unexpectedly halted when all the Kuru princes simultaneously rose from their seats, their faces reflecting an unwavering determination. Locking eyes with Dhritrashtra, they sought his permission to wage war against Drupad. Reluctantly, recognizing the absence of alternatives, Dhritrashtra had no choice but to agree with their demand, granting permission for their pursuit of victory.

Aanya and Dushala had sought refuge in Aanya's room, away from the stuffy courtroom atmosphere. A plethora of breathtaking dresses were sprawled out before them, tempting Aanya's weary eyes, which drooped from a lack of sleep.

"Seriously, Dushala, why are you putting me through this? I'm exhausted," Aanya groaned, her head finding solace on a soft, fluffy pillow.

Dushala playfully whacked her with another pillow, her mischievous grin widening. "Come on, Aanya! You've already slept in so late. How much more shut-eye do you need?"

Aanya's irritation flared, her patience wearing thin. "Dushala, there's no limit to the amount of sleep one can have. I could snooze at any time, anywhere... just not when I should actually be sleeping," she retorted with an indignant huff.

Unable to contain her amusement, Dushala giggled at Aanya's reaction, shaking her head in mock disapproval. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she surveyed their surroundings and spotted a glass of water.

Suddenly, Aanya's eyes flew open, wide with shock, as she jolted upwards. It took her a moment to register that she was drenched in water. And who was standing there, grinning like a Cheshire cat? None other than Dushala!

"Dushala!" Aanya exclaimed, her glare piercing and full of mischief. Springing up from the bed, she scanned the room, searching for retribution. Her eyes locked onto the jug of water, and she knew exactly what she had to do.

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