Nine : Chased by Laughter

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~𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓽 𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓻~

Arjun was completely engrossed in strategizing for the upcoming battle, his mind fully occupied with the task at hand. Spread out before him was a meticulously detailed map, which he examined with unwavering focus. But suddenly, the tinkling sound of anklets interrupted his intense concentration, causing a smile to light up his face.

Without diverting his gaze from the map, Arjun softly asked, "What brings you here, Aanya?"

Aanya approached, holding a small box in her hands, and replied with a playful grin, "I had something for you."

Curious, Arjun looked up, his brow slightly furrowed. "What is it?"

With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Aanya teased, "It's a love letter." Her words caught Arjun by surprise, and a blush quickly painted his cheeks.

"What?!" Arjun stammered, taken aback by her unexpected remark.

Giggling, Aanya clarified, "Just kidding. Kanha asked me to bring this to you."

Moving closer, Aanya reached out to give Arjun the box. In that moment, their hands lightly brushed against each other, creating a delicate connection. Their eyes briefly met but quickly averted, cheeks tinged with a shy hue. Thinking Arjun had taken hold of the box, Aanya released her grip, accidentally dropping it to the ground.

Wide-eyed, they exchanged a glance, astonishment evident on their faces. Simultaneously, they bent down to retrieve the fallen box, resulting in a collision of their heads.

Rubbing their bumped heads, laughter bubbled from within them. Arjun picked up the box and straightened, but Aanya gently held onto his hand.

"We need to bump our heads one more time," Aanya suggested, pulling him back down to her level.

Confused yet intrigued, Arjun questioned, "Why?"

"Because if don't, we might turn into little deer with antlers on our heads," Aanya playfully replied. Her words dripped with whimsy, but her voice held a warmth and tenderness that couldn't be denied.

Amidst giggles, Arjun chuckled and remarked, "Who said that?"

Grinning mischievously, Aanya playfully responded, "I'm saying it."

They chuckled amidst their shared giggles, their laughter becoming the sweet melody that danced in the air. With a twinkle in his eyes, Arjun leaned in, meeting Aanya's head with his own, eliciting a radiant smile from her.

Arjun extended his hand to help her stand. As they stood side by side, Aanya's grin grew wider.

"What?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

A playful glint sparkled in her eyes as she playfully bumped his shoulder, teasing, "What what? Open the box, for I, too, am eager to unveil the surprise that Kanha has sent for you."

Arjun's smirk widened, his playful nature mirroring her own. "Why should I show you?" he teased.

Arjun's smirk widened in a grin as he watched her struggle to sit up on the table. "Need help?" he asked, extending his hand.

Aanya looked up at him with surprise, her lips curled into a shy smile and nodded. Arjun lifted her effortlessly, causing her heart to flutter like a butterfly. With her hand resting on his shoulder, their eyes locked in a moment of connection. Arjun quickly took a step back, rubbing his neck.

Curiosity sparkled in Aanya's eyes as she glanced at the papers spread out before them. "What's all this?" she inquired.

"Chakravyuha," Arjun replied, his voice filled with a hint of joyful mystery.

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