Fourteen : Midnight Kitchen Mischief

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-𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓚𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓯-

Aanya and Bheem, driven by their midnight cravings, strolled into the warm and inviting kitchen. Sahdev, visibly tired from a long day, wearily settled himself across from them, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. As the duo engaged in an animated discussion about what delectable treat would satisfy their hunger, Nakul, curious to join in on the culinary adventure, settled himself beside Sahdev. He couldn't help but cast intrigued glances at Aanya and Bheem, who seemed fully absorbed in their conversation, as if deliberating a matter of great significance to the kingdom itself.

"Why am I being dragged along?" Sahdev mumbled, his voice laced with a hint of complaint and a touch of curiosity.

"Because we wanted some company," Aanya chimed in, her voice carrying a playful tone that matched her mischievous smile before resuming her fervent conversation with Bheem. Sahdev turned his attention towards Nakul, who had a bemused expression spread across his face.

"Don't give me that look. I've been roped into this too, courtesy of Bhrata Bheem," Nakul grumbled, crossing his arms in mock annoyance.

Aanya couldn't help but giggle at Nakul's protest. "Well, it's your own fault for not listening when I told you to come with me. You should have known better."

"Yeah, and Bhrata Bheem thought it was a good idea to squeeze my neck for that," Nakul huffed, rubbing his neck absentmindedly.

Aanya burst into laughter, unable to contain herself. "Really? You should have called me Bhrata Bheem to witness him being dragged along."

Nakul swatted the top of her head before standing beside her, joining them.

The playful banter continued as Aanya teasingly turned her attention back to Bheem, giving him exaggerated, teary eyes. "Nakul, don't do that," Bheem said with a slight sternness, positioning himself protectively between Aanya and Nakul.

"You've never been this protective of me, Bhrata Bheem," Nakul commented, a slight hint of offense in his voice.

Aanya, not one to back down, stuck out her tongue at Nakul, challenging him. However, she immediately shifted her demeanor when she noticed Bheem looking at her.

"She's just a kid. Let's stop fighting," Bheem declared with an air of authority, trying to diffuse the tension.

Aanya widened her eyes in mock surprise. "I'm not a kid, Bhrata Bheem. For your information, I'm seventeen!" she exclaimed proudly, her voice tinged with a mix of defiance and playfulness.

As Arjun entered the kitchen, he couldn't resist teasing Aanya. "Bhrata Bheem must be referring to your mental age, Aanya," he said with a grin.

Aanya didn't miss a beat and shot back, "And what's your mental age, Arjun? Is it that of a newborn?" A mischievous sparkle lit up her eyes as she delivered her remark.

Bheem interjected, trying to get their attention back on task. "Stop bickering, you two. We have important matters to handle."

Nakul added, pretending to be serious, "Yes, like filling Bhrata Bheem's hungry stomach. That's a more important matter."

"Oh yes, of course! What should we cook?" Aanya asked eagerly, her banter momentarily forgotten.

"Laddu," Bheem said decisively.

Aanya turned to him, batting her eyelashes sweetly. "Aap laddu khila khila kar hume bhi laddu bana denge, Bhata Bheem," she said, making everyone chuckle at her antics.

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