track 7

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"nat and leo aren't answering their phones." juliette said, frustrated.

she had expressed a lot of vulnerability that day. she thought she did a lot of hard work and just wanted to go home, go to sleep. she was one inconvenience away from wanting to cry.

"julie, i promise you, it'll be fine, we'll get back to your apartment," he said, caressing her cheek, trying to calm her down, her breath speeding up.

he saw her start to shiver due to the cold october air at 10:45pm, and took his jacket off, to give it to her. "can't have you freezing to death, can i?" he said, opening the uber app on his phone.

after a short amount of time, he spoke again and said, "the uber'll be here in 3 minutes, you good?"

she nodded yes.

"good, i'm here right now to make sure you stay like that," he said, putting his arm around her shoulders.

she leaned her head on this shoulder, and they sat on a ledge in comfortable silence.

"i think that's our ride, julie."

they got up, releasing all body contact they had just had.


Liked by greene

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Liked by greene.leo, elijahhewson, and 19,429 others
natgrohl never attending my fatherly activitys like picking up my daughter (juliette) anf her little boyfriend (robert) from their frist dance (recoridng songs) going to sleep (i am drunk!)


@bobby.skeetz: we are not boyfriend-girlfriend!
   @juliegrey: never
          @greene.leo: ok rob-eo and juliette you guys are literally like that taylor song

@user9: I CAN BARK.

@davegrohl: why are you someone's father

@user17: omg jeans so cute

@user18: NEXT ALBUM??
   @juliegrey: she released sling months ago😭

@ryanmcmahon_15: leo got us all hammered


"do you think they're all asleep?" rob asked, in the elevator up to the apartment.

"probably. they all got drunk and like, leo's a lightweight, lillian only drinks hard stuff like whiskey and all that so she is too, and nat is how we know they got drunk in the first place." juliette stated.

"fair point, eli, ryan, and josh just like sleeping a lot so they'll probably be asleep as well."


as they walked in the door, there was radio silence. no one was awake, but the tv was still on, and the pull-out bed, was in fact pulled out.

when the pair got closer, they saw josh and elijah, spread out on the couch, leaving no space for anyone else there.

"well, there's that." rob said.

"we can check lillian's room, maybe a bed is free?" she offered.

they walked into the room down the hall from the living room, and they went in.

they found lillian in bed, and ryan for some reason sleeping on the floor.

they then looked at the other bed, to which they thought was gonna be empty, however, nat's dog, joanie, and juliette's cat, phil were asleep peacefully.

"well i can't move them just to go to sleep, look at them." he said, looking at the two animals.

"true. well then, we only have one option rob."


juliegrey's stoy (15min ago)

juliegrey's stoy (15min ago)

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the pair planned to pull an all nighter. rob couldn't go to sleep because there wasn't anymore space, and for some reason, juliette did not offer to share her bed with him.

maybe it was because he said they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. maybe she was the fool for expecting more just for being vulnerable.

she saw it now, they were just friends. as it had always been. however, she was staying up with him during the night in solidarity.

"rob, go and be quiet, and grab a bottle of wine and two glasses from the kitchen. if there isn't a bottle on the counter, then go behind my trash can and i have an emergency bottle right there." she said.

"really? emergency?" rob giggled.

"yes, now go." she said, as she sat on her bed loading the movie they were going to watch.

she didn't know why she did the things she did. it'd been years and she still didn't know.


"okay, so he's a vampire and he can't date her why?"

"because it would endanger her, rob. he's doing it to protect her." juliette said, in reference to the second twilight movie.

"i don't really get it," he said, sipping on his wine. "she's depressed for like 5 months and then goes to the werewolf?"

she nodded in response.

"but it's because he likes the baby she hasn't had yet?"


"okay, this is really weird."

"fair enough," she said, fading into him without even noticing.

soon enough, she fell asleep, ending up in his arms. she didn't fall asleep like that, but he put his arms around her, planning on brushing it off in the morning as something that had happened in their sleep.

he admired her for a little bit longer and then joined her in sleeping.


a/n: this one was a bit of a filler chapter😇

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