track 13

404 10 11

february 18th, 2022.

Liked by inhalerdublin, greene

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Liked by inhalerdublin, greene.leo, braedenlemasters, and 19,828 others
juliegrey see you tomorrow night la, it's gonna be a first to remember! <3


@greene.leo: i am a backstage girl forever

@user2: juliettenation how do we feel about this after the break up ??

@lilliandawson: will be there !! <3

@inhalerdublin: See you there, Juliette.


@braedenlemasters: see you there babe!!

@bobbyskeetz: can't wait to see you juliette


Liked by braedenlemasters, natgrohl, elijahhewson and 18,922 othersinhalerdublin Los Angeles, we'll meet you there

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Liked by braedenlemasters, natgrohl, elijahhewson and 18,922 others
inhalerdublin Los Angeles, we'll meet you there.

doors open 7pm
julie grey 8pm
inhaler 9pm


@greene.leo: what time does leo go on
    ↳@joshjenkinson_: cool it with the third person man🙏

@user8: eli looks soooo good like omg i'll scream

@user18: play strange time to be alive PLEASE (with jules)

@natgrohl: see you guys in nyc!! doing album things :(
     @greene.leo: i am album things🔥
(she wrote about me and we do sex)
           @ryanmcmahon_15: DUDE😭

@braedenlemasters: so stoked to hear you guys live! i've only heard good things!!


juliette grey currently felt terrible.

she had not talked to her closest friend since forever in a week, only because she was saying what she thought was true, and probably is.

the thing was, she liked braeden. he was sweet, he was cute, he was nice, he was everything a girl could ask for.

however, she liked the pain. it sounds weird, but she liked feeling just the smallest bit of slighted, so she'd know it was worth it.

she wanted it treacherous, so she could have who she wanted, feeling accomplished, and like she actually deserved them. she had always felt unworthiness when it came to people.

in her mind, it was finalized she would never find another soul, not like robert. she could never find someone who was the moth to her flame.

however, she found braeden. she liked him, yes, but not enough, and not in any way but she felt she had to.

she had to like this boy who likes her; or she'll never find another. robert, the person she believed to be somewhat of a soulmate, did not want her, she needed to stick to this boy.

she wanted to apologize to natalie so bad, but whenever they were around each other, there was so much guilt lingering she couldn't look her in the eye.

today was the day she left, in an hour actually. it was six in the morning, and leo was still asleep, and she didn't know how to wake him up without waking her up.

once she gathered the guts to, she went into their room.

she spoke softly, trying not to wake natalie.

"leo, wake up, please, we leave like, soon. an hour."

he did not wake up, sound asleep. natalie couldn't say the same.

"leo, wake the fuck up. you're leaving for los angeles in an hour." she said, shaking him.

he got up, nodded at juliette, and went to brush his teeth.

then it was just the two in the room. juliette gestured as to ask if she could sit next to natalie, and she said yes.

"listen, nat, i'm so fucking sorry man. i literally cannot being to explain it to you," she said, "i've been like, losing it lately, because all i want is robert, but i can't have him, so i'm trying to move on with this boy who has never done me any type of wrong, and i feel terrible about it. i'm leading him on and for what? braeden is, he's just so cool, and i didn't want to ruin the friendship i had with him, but i fucked that up, or i'm going to, and i'm about to go tour with the boy who broke my heart"

natalie pulled the girl in for a long, and well waited for hug. she felt for the girl.

"jules, it's okay. i was the asshole. i shouldn't have talked where it wasn't my place to. braeden, i will say, you will have to let him down easy, but he's just a golden retriever, he'll take it good. i do think it'll be hard, but i'm friends with the guys, and he's not with caroline, they never saw her after that night."


natalie drove the two to the airport, said their goodbyes, and then leo and juliette were on the plane together.

"jules, are we sleeping in the tour bus with them, like actually? that shit's crazy." he said, not believing it.

"neither can i leo, but here we go anyways," she said with a smile.

throughout the plane ride they talked, she listened to music, he watched movies, she read, it was very eventful.

when they got off, leo almost fell because his leg fell asleep. juliette was laughing so hard, she almost fell as well.


a/n: a short one !! filler chapter for next chapter where we finally get the gears going again😇 thinking about how i saw claire over a year ago i'm so🚬🚬🚬

Treacherous, Robert KeatingWhere stories live. Discover now