chapter 2 (cats Pov)

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TRIGGER WARNIG: itdoesn't start right away, ill warn you when.


I don't want to get up.

I don't have to get up, I have graduated school.

"Come on Cat time to get up."

"My amazingly hot tri (short for Dimitri), please let me stay here."

"Sorry Caterina, you have school, and I have a plane to catch."

I watched as Dimitri got up out of bed, and watched shamelessly as he made, he's way to the bedroom door.

"Like what you see?"

god I love he's voice, it's really raspy, he's extremely hot, especially in the morning when he has bed hear, and he's voice is raspy. 

"I'm not liking it, I'm loving it." 

I got up and out of bed, and threw on Dimitri's shirt, he's shirt went down to my knees. I loved it, it makes me feel warm and safe, like I'm hidden.  

Dimitri walks over to me and gives me a lingering kiss, it would have gone on longer, but Jason gets home at 7:30, and its 7 right now, I need time to prepare him breakfast and get ready for school. 

"I have to go my love, wish me luck?'

"Good luck Любовь моя, if anything happens, call me."

(My love in Russian)

I through some trackies on that I had left here before and gave him one last goodbye kiss and left."

Dimitri is my husband, I love him with everything I have, he's my everything, I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him, he saved me. 


he came and visited me, in Australia, we both lived in Russia, but we had to come back to Australia because we have a plan, a year ago after we got married, I had run away and we went to Russia, but Jason had been getting too close to finding us so we thought we would come back and put an end to it before he got to me.

before we got married, I spent a lot of time in Russia, I would tell Jason I was given a private mission from the don and that I had to go to Russia, which was true, but I requested it, I had spent so much time in Russia that when Dimitri and I had met he thought I could have been Russian if it wasn't for the slight Australian accent that was intertwined with my Russian accent. 

Dimitri had to head home to Russia early, I still had some things I needed to get in order, like actually killing him. I'm doing that today, Dimitri had to go home because the Italians had blown up one of, he's warehouses where he had two shipments of weapons that had to be modified and sold, putting of some sales that had been signed and finalized ages ago by other mafias.

Dimitri was supposed to be here, he had hired a man to "adopt me" so that I wasn't put back into the foster system, he was supposed to meet with him to set it up, and after the adoption was finalized, Dimitri was supposed to kill him instead of paying him, but now I get the pleasure.

______________________________TW: ABUSE_____________________________________

I got to Jason's house, I entered and saw him passed out on the couch, I walked past him and upstairs and into my room, there was a small dirty mattress with one pillow and a light blue blanket sitting on it, I made my way over to my dresser, I looked through and found my favorite gun, it was a wedding gift from Dimitri's mother.

I grabbed my backpack as I left my room, I heard crashing downstairs, I slowly made my way down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen, suddenly hands grasped my neck from behind me, the pulled me back and threw me to the floor. 

pain shot through my back.

my eyes we dizzy, but once they were clear I noticed the figure that stood above me, it was Jason.

"Where were you!? Huh! you little whore! WHERE WERE YOU?!"

in that moment it didn't matter how strong I was or much training I had received, I was frozen, I couldn't breathe, or think, or even move. 

"Come on slut, where were you because I know for a fact that you weren't with, the don or on a mission."

"I was... um... I was out getting some groceries... to... to make you breakfast. I... I'm sorry." as I say this a tear spills from my eye. suddenly I was back to being weak, and silent barely even able to mutter out a single sentence, like I was little again. 


he kicked me in my stomach then punched my chest, the little breath I did have left flew out of my lungs and I was gasping for air. he got down and straddled me, he wrapped he's fat, filthy black hands around my neck. I was now crying like a baby; black dots were appearing in my vision.

I reached for he's hands and gripped them, he slapped me hard, my head turned to the side, and he stopped, stood up, he looked at me in disgust and pure hatred.

"Get up and make me breakfast you dumb slut, and don't be late to school, I'm sick of them always calling me, don't forget to hide your fucking ugly scars. no one want to look at them." he makes a face like I had just spat in he's face, like these bruises and scars are my fault.

I get up, and my body is in agony, but my adrenaline kicks in, helping me walk with the pain, I make him breakfast and start my way out the door and to school. 


I hope you like this, this is my first attempt at a mafia book and, there's a lot of details, and names to remember, so I'm sorry if I forget some, or mix some things up, please feel free to comment and correct me. 

also, I realize that I didn't use the nicknames, for Dimitri and cat and I used "tri" instead I just wrote it, and it was extremely cringy. so I'm thinking instead of, bear I'll say teddy bear, and instead of kitty its probably just going to be cat, her family will call her by her birth name. 

word: 1051

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