chapter 12 (brothers Pov's)

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Romeo Pov:

Well shit.

She's everything.

She's gorgeous.

She's my Sorella.

When we were sat at dinner and she came in smiling at Nicolo, her face was bright but still dark a little, but I was too captivated by her eyes and amazing smile, it didn't reach her eyes, but still with that small smile it was like everything was ok, like mom was still here, we were all here. Together.

But we're not, she's not.

She reminded me of mom so much.

She has moms beauty, but you could tell under the surface that she might be pretty but she's still strong.

I wish I could stay here longer, get to know her better, spend years with her, years that I didn't get to spend with her when we were younger.

But I have a family now, I might love her so much, I could miss her to the point my heart aches constantly, but my son is my focus and right now he's at home with he's mother, and I'm already not around because of work, and I can't help but feel guilty with spending time with my family while my son and wife aren't here.

I can only stay for two days, I arrived yesterday, i leave the day after tomorrow.

I really wanted to spend more time with her, get to know her, have some kind of relationship with her. I miss her, but we all have lives now.

Just thinking about this, I'm racked with guilt and fear. Guilt about not being here for her, again. Fear about what she's going to think.

I should talk to her.

Angelo Pov:

My baby is home!

God I've missed her so much!

She's so precious, she's adorable and so tiny, she needs to eat more.

She's my baby, I love her so much and I just know Brax is gonna love her.

I'm pretty sure if we were allowed, brax and I would adopt her.

I love her so much and I know, that's she's gonna bring back my families happiness.

I know how hard it's been since she went missing, and then when mom died, everything just got worse.

No one was really home. After sorella was taken, mom was the only thing keeping us together and when she passed away it was like a ghost house, and when we were home, it was tense and mostly always ended in either a argument or a physical fight.

Enzo was always at work, never came home, he barely slept and if he did it wasn't at our house.

Romeo, he met he's wife and left pretty early on, I think he just couldn't deal with the pain and loss, I think it just got too much especially with the fighting.

I was the only one left, I took care of the boys, raised them as best as possible, did the best I could with the circumstances I was given, when brax and I met, I never did anything but worry and fuss over the boys, brax helped me see that there's more to life.

Marco Pov:

I don't know what happened, I don't know why I said that.

She looked so happy, it kinda warmed my heart, but then she spoke and I got so angry.

And after she got of the phone call she looked so happy and her eyes were filled with love.

But when she looked at us there was nothing, no love, no recognition, no emotions. I just got jealous, jealous that someone other than me, other than her family can make her feel and express love, when she didn't even love us.

I just snapped.

And I regret it.

But I don't think I can apologise, every time I see her face my feelings are confused between love and hate, love that she's here and I've missed her, but hate that she was gone, that she wasn't here, hate that she could love someone else but not us, her family, her family that was distraught about her disappearance.

I don't hate her, but I hate that she doesn't care, she doesn't even try to, or to pretend to.

Matteo Pov:

She looked so sad.

She was smiling lightly, her eyes shone with amusement at Nicolo's humour, no doubt he's rambling as well.

But she looked sad, beneath that smile held secrets, but her walls were up high, fire surrounding the walls, walls that were kept behind a guarded locked door. 

I'm worried and scared what those secrets are, I'm to sure I want to know.

When she was on the phone she looked so happy, and weightless. So full of love.

I'm happy for her.

She seems like she doesn't have much to hold deer, I'm happy she has her friend, a trusted friend that she love deeply.

I want her to love me like that.

I'm gonna try my best to get her to love me like that.

I don't care how long it takes me, I will do anything to have her love me, her love is all I want out of life.

Nicolo Pov:

She's back!

My little sister, my beautiful sister is back.

I've heard so much about her and oh my god everything was true she's amazing, I mean like I don't know her or anything, but she seems amazing.

I love her, I feel this bond with her, like I know her without knowing her, like I'm full, I have my family all back together.

I've already planned out everything I want to do with her.
Sleepovers, hangouts, being each others wingman's/ wingwomen's, being there for whatever we might need, keeping each others secrets, god knows she's gonna need it, I might not be protective, but I know everyone else is.

I will do anything for her, including being grounded for hiding her boyfriend, god knows Enzo and Marco will make sure it's the worst grounding of my life.

I know I didn't know her, but I've missed her.

Word: 996

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