chapter 4 (Cats Pov)

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I get to the principal's office, and I enter to find a police officer and a... woman. 

I expected the officer, but Dimitris guy was supposed to be here not this woman. 

"Hi, miss Lengferd." he holds pity and sadness on he's face. 

"Um... hi" I look over at the other two and give them a nod, acknowledging them. 

I purposely lower my voice, to give of the deception of innocence and confusion. 

"MS Lengferd I have some terrible news, I regret to inform you, that there's been an accident." this time the copper speaks. 

"w... what's happened?" I let tears cloud my eyes.

"Mr. and Missis Lengferd was at home when it blew up, they didn't escape, we think there was a gas leak, the home was destroyed, and they didn't survive, I'm sorry."  he speaks with empathy and pity. 

I let a few tears fall from my eyes.

"I... what... what's going to happen with me?" 

"This woman here, her names Gracy, she's a social worker and she's been assigned to help you..." he looks to the women. 

"Hi Hunny, what we're going to do, is go down to the police station, we are going to run a DNA test and see if you have any biological relatives that would like to take you in, if there's not, I'm going to find you an amazing foster home that would like to take you."

I remain silent, this wasn't supposed to happen, Dimitri planned for this guy to pretend to be s social worker and he's supposed to say that someone has decided to adopt me. 

"Um... ok... before we go is it alright if i make a phone call?"

"of course, sweetie." 

I walk out of the office, and I don't stop until I'm outside, Gracy and the copper walk down to the cop car and wait, I walk over to the side of the school building away from their view. 

I pull out a ciggy and light up, as I take a first puff and fell the stress leave my body, I dial Dimitri's number. 

"Hey Любовь моя, what's up?"

(My love)

"Tri, where's your guy that you hired as my social worker, because he's not here, some girl names Gracy is." I snap at him.

"Любовь моя, he's meeting you at the police station, he'll take over I promise, just calm down, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I forgot, I'm sorry, please don't stress." 

(My love)

"Ok sorry for snapping Tri, I'll see you soon I love you."

"Я тоже тебя люблю Моя кошка"

(I love you too my cat)

I hang up and I fix my face letting tears come to my eyes and letting a few stray ones fall. before walking back over to the pair. 

"Okay I'm ready now." I whisper.

we gather into the car and make our way to the police station.


ok so super short chapter... the next one is going to be short as well sorry...

words: 487

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