chapter 9

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this chapter will switch between Enzo and Alessandrs, cat's and 3rd Pov.

this will be a short chapter as well.


Alessandrs Pov:

my daughter, the light of my life.

she's gorgeous.

but her face is blank, her eyes are empty.

when we got to the car and she spoke, my heart dropped.

we knew the Russians kidnapped her. but it only just registered how long they must have had her, her accent is so strong and prominent, there a slight sound off with it but I'm assuming that's because she's in Australia.

I wonder what they did for her to look so heartless.

right now, I'm too sad to even be angry, don't get me wrong I'm angry and I can't wait to kill those Russians. but I'm too sad to be angry right now. in front of her, my Neonata.

(baby girl)

Enzo's Pov:

I don't care if she can see this on my face, I will kill anything right now.

those fucking Russians. I always knew but this just confirms it.

I was too busy planning how I'm going to skin the Russian don alive that I didn't notice mar's phone ringing.

after she put the phone down, she looked at us confused. but happy, and a lingering look of love on her face.

"What?" she said still with that fucking Russian accent.

"Mar, where did you get... how..." I couldn't get my words out.

"Maria, Sorella, how do you have a Russian accent?"


Cats Pov:

I froze.

I slowly hung up, not even finishing my sentence, my once happy mood gone.

I don't know what I was expecting them to say but that wasn't it.

" My name is cat." I purposely avoided the other question.

"No Neonata your name is maria." my father said softly.

"No, that's my birth name, my name, that I was raised with and prefer to go by is cat."

3rd Pov:

Enzo looked at he's farther, he's eyes were filled with rage but not at mar- cat.

"Okay bambina, we'll call you cat." Ales spoke softly with a small smile.

by the time we finished talking the Guerra family had arrived at the airport.

when we touched down in Florence Italy it was only a 30-minute drive to their house.

cat's Pov:

as we pulled into the driveways, I peer up in awe, the house was old but gorgeous, it has rich and strong bones, it's sturdy and looks like something you would see in ancient history.

it is made of brick, good for fires and natural disasters, there house is also perched on a hill. so, it's hard to get any vantage points, but that also means that the only way out from the house is literally down the driveway. I'm sure I'll find a way out anyway.


words: 471

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