chapter 11 (cats Pov)

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when I've come back to reread this before publishing, I noticed in the last chapter, that I had written, that Nicolo and Cat are twins, that is not the case, I don't even know what I was thinking, but they are NOT TWINS. 


"sure" I spoke holding curiosity.

"I understand that you just arrived but there are rules and other things we need to discuss after dinner."

I knew it.

"What kind of rules?"

"Just house rules, anyways boys introduce yourself please."

I could easily kill them. All of them right now. I'm a little worried about these rules, and the punishments that are given for breaking them. I know they don't hold back.

The boys introduced themselves one by one, I really didn't pay attention, I knew who they where.

I really missed tri, right now we'd be sitting down and having dinner, either out at a restaurant, or with my family in law, or at one of our ware houses surrounded by trusted members.

When I've been on missions in the past, and I haven't been able to call him, I'd watch the video of our first dance at our wedding, that day was the best day of my entire life.




" Huh? What?" Enzo looks annoyed.

"Your phone is ringing."

I only just noticed. I looked at my phone, I had 2 missed calls from Dimitri. I have a little light chuckle at the perfect timing he had.

I answered with a bright smile and a dazed look on my face.


"моя любовь how are you? Are you okay? Have they done anything? Have you killed them yet?"

"Calm down, fine, and no and no, but I've missed you a lot, and I wish you were here."

"Are you alone?"

"No I'm not."

"моя любовь hang in there I arrive soon, I'll go and set up at our apartment, we'll get you out of there as soon as possible, not to mention I have a meeting with the Italians in a couple weeks, where hoping to talk things out and draw up an alliance."

"Hey, I can't talk right now about this, call me later, bye, I love you."

"It's okay моя любовь I miss you, I'll call you tomorrow, I love you, can't wait to see you."

As I hang up and snap out of my daze the boys are looking with curiosity.

"Who was that?" Enzo had remained calm but the others look angry as well as curious.

"My friend."

"You seemed awfully happy."  I heard Matteo say quietly

"Yeh because she's probably a slut and that was most likely one of the people she fucks." Marco spoke harshly but there was a sense of jealously and protectiveness to he's tone.

I mean he was half right; I do fuck him but I'm not a slut.

I gave a slight chuckle. "no, she is a dear friend of mine, back when I was in Russia." 

He looked like he was ready to pop he's top.
He stood up again knocked he's chair back again but this time Enzo didn't say anything and Marco stomped out of the room.

"Cat please come to my office, we'll discuss those rules now." He had a soft smile on he's face and an encouraging gaze.

As we entered, he's office he looked amused.

"That was entertaining." he mumbled.

"I know right, it didn't take much to piss him off." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Yeh, okay sorella I'm going to go through the rules and after you can tell me if you have any reservations."


Yeh I'm not going to follow hes rules, like at all, ill probably try to actually break them.

"Ok so"
"1. respect, respect is a big thing to us, you respect us and we'll respect you, that goes for objects and possessions."

I can totally do that.

"2. Swearing, I'm not going to say not to but please try your best to keep it minimum."


"3. Go to school and try your best, try to stay out of fights and arguments."

Yeh that's not going to happen. Like my grades are amazing but fights. Arguments. Yeh no, can't stay away from them. Sorry not sorry. Mostly the latter.

"4. Don't do drugs, you can drink as long as it's not too much and your around at least one of your brothers who is sober."

I'll get drunk whenever the fuck I want, and drugs well I'm sober and I ain't breaking that anytime soon.

"5. Try to get to sleep before 12 if not please try to stay quiet, some of us have to wake up early."

I'm quiet anyway.

"6. If your going to go out please let us know, leave your phone on, and sometimes I might ask one of your brothers to go with you, you just have to let it, it's for your safety."

Sure. Sure.

"That's all I can really think of right now, if there's anymore, I'll let you know, does that sound ok to you."

"Yeh most are understandable and pretty reasonable." maybe I don't need to break them if that's all. 

"Great, wait here for a second I'm going to go get Nicolo to show you around the house, wait here a moment."

I looked around the brown rooms and saw hundreds, maybe thousands of books, I can't wait to sneak in here and steal some.

"Okay so Nicolo is just outside, todays Wednesday, so you won't start until Monday, the boys are going to take you shopping on Saturday, for school supplies and clothes and whatever else you want."

As he spoke he walked me out to Nicolo, he didn't let me respond he just turned and walked back into he's office.

"Hey you good." Nicolo had a bright smile on he's face, he was practically jumping.

About an hour later Nicolo finished showing me every part of the property, in, outside, hell he even showed me the pool shed.

I was now back in my room, I had a quick shower. My body is bruised and batted, even looking past the new scar and bruises, I still see all the horrible scars and the memories they bring.

I need a smoke.

It was now 20 minutes later and 8pm.

My phone started to ring loudly, it was the melody of mine and Dimitri's wedding song.


"моя любовь, are you alone? Can you talk now?"

"Yes love I can."

"Back to were we left off, are you going to be alright here for a couple of weeks."

"Yeh, but I really miss you already."

"Baby I'm in Italy, landed a couple hours ago. We can go on dates and hangout we just have to be careful."

"Okay my love, I have to go, I'm tired."

"Love we both know your not going to sleep."

I smiled, he knows me too well.

"How about we put a movie on and time it so we can watch it together at the same time."

"I would like that."



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