chapter 13 (Cat's POV)

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I got a total of 3 hours of sleep last night, nothing I'm not used too, and luckily this time no nightmares, it might not have been long but that's the most peaceful nights rest I've had in a decade.

Me and Tri talked and watch telly late into the night, we've decided to meat up today, we've never been apart for so long.

I've never realised how clingy I must be, but I honestly don't care, and I don't think he does either judgy about how he kept begging for me to come over last night.

Much to my dismay we both knew there was no way I would be able to sneak out especially since a couple of my brothers not so slyly were trading places outside of my room last night.

I was getting dressed in a long sleeved white button up crop top and long black jeans, paired with a black cotton jacket, I paired it with my matching jewellery to go with tri's.

I tied my hair back in a high ponytail, making sure to leave my bangs out, I decided to do some light natural makeup.

As I made my way downstairs, I could hear deep voices taking in the kitchen, as soon as I entered the talking quieted down.

"Morning" I say with apprehension.

"I was thinking we could all hangout today, maybe have a pool day and play some games." Nicolo sounds so excited I nearly felt bad turning him down, nearly.

"Sorry Nicky, I already have plans."

As soon as those words came out of my mouth their head nearly snap with how quickly they turn in my direction.

"You do? With who? And where?"

Questions came left and right.

"I'm going out with my friend from Russia, she's in town and we figured it would be a good time to meet up, we are gonna go for some lunch and catch up."

The boys seemed confused and looked at Enzo expectantly.

"Um Caterina, um I don't think that'd be a good idea, being a new town and all, especially since we don't know this young lady or wether or not we can trust her."

I smiled and chuckled a bit, I mean how could he honestly think, I'd give up meeting my husband for some random men I shared some blood and DNA with.

I mean I know he doesn't know he's my husband but still I've known my 'girlfriend' way longer than I've known these supposed brothers.

"First, you don't need to know her, I do and I trust her way more than I trust you guys, second I don't need to know the city, that's what google maps are for."

The boys seemed honestly hurt and offended but I'm not gonna apologise for speaking the truth, I don't know these men, I don't trust them, and they aren't my family.

Family is a deep, meaningful thing to me and my husband and I don't consider them family, maybe in the future allies, but not family, definitely not right now.

"Look we understand you don't know us and your in a new place, but you have no right to stand here in my house and disrespect us, I am you legal guardian, I'm letting you go this one time, as long as you take one of your brothers with you and your home by 2pm that should be long enough for lunch and talking, here's my card."

He spoke firmly, he's eyes now guarded but even I could tell i had hurt hes feelings. I looked down at the golden card he held in he's hands and scoffed.

"I don't need your money, and I'm not taking anyone with me." Before he could let out a retort I turned and walked out the door, straight out the front door, I walked outside.

I walked a few streets until I saw he's car, a matte black rolls Royce.

When I entered the car in the back seat, there he sat before my eyes, wearing a bright smile and those crazy eyes looking into mine, they held chaos, love and lust, and I'm sure mine held the same, he is truely my home and the only person i can me my true self around.

I launched forward and crashed my lips into his.


I don't know how long I'm gonna continue to write this story for but I'm gonna take it one chapter at a time.

I'm no longer gonna do a word limit as I'm putting pressure on myself and I'm sure you guys probably don't care and it's just me overthinking.

When writing this chapter I went back and reread from the start of the story and I've noticed a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes, same with this chapter, for now I'm gonna leave it IF I finish the book or discontinue it I'll go back then and edit it but for now it's staying like it.

Thank you to those who asked for my to continue the story I'm trying truly, I am, I don't have the same motivation as I did when I started so I'm trying my very best for the writing to be anything but uninteresting but idk.

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