chapter 3 (Cats Pov)

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I watch the cars drive by as I walk to school, imagining what my life would be like if I was anyone in any of those cars.

my name is Caterina Ivanov, before I was married, my name was Caterina Lengferd, I have lived with Jason and lea lengferd for 15 years, they adopted me when I was 1, they are a part of the Irish mafia, they raised me in it, I never understood why they would adopt a baby just to abuse it, but it all made sense when I understood what a mafia is, the Irish trained me, I'm their top assassin and as of right now, the best in the underworld, no can beat me. I'm their killing machine.

anyway, I am 16, and apart from when I'm with my "fosters" I'm actually a bitch, I don't take shit from no one, and I'm not afraid to talk back. I graduated high school when I was 11, I have been to university, I have my master's in business, finance and fashion design, I'm currently going through medical school, online of course, I'm in my 3rd year, and I'm getting straight A's. the only reason I continue to go to high school is because it keeps up my "normal teenager" identity for the Irish mafia. 

I walk into school and the bell just rings, i ignore it and walk to my locker, first period i have history, the teacher in there is pretty good, he lets me get away with whatever as long as i continue to get A's. 

as I walk into the classroom Mr. Jameson isn't there instead a woman wearing a tight dress, and has long black raven hair is stood there with a scowl on her face as she looks at me then at a piece of paper in her desk.

"And where were you Ms.... lengferd?" she speaks in an annoyed tone.

I ignore her walk back to my desk and as I take a seat, she releases an aggravated sigh and continues on discussing World War 2, even though that's not even what we are currently learning.

for the next 3 periods I sit patiently and calmly. 

after the 3rd period we had lunch, I don't have any friends here, I have people I talked to but no one really knew me, they tried but I never showed any interest.

I make eye contact with Bella, and she starts walking over to me. 

Bella is the school popular girl, she has pretty long sandy colored hair, her eyes are a bright neon like green, she's thin but has all the right curves in all the right places.

 all the guys want her, the only problem is, is that she's a lesbian, and a Christian, so she's a no go for the guys, and she doesn't really date any girls.

 trust me before I met Dimitri, I tried to hook up with her, but she wanted a relationship and no offense to women, but I couldn't be with one longer than a few hours. 

anyway, she's gorgeous, and super generous and kind, it's hard to find someone so nice and so beautiful now days. that's why she's popular, she helps anyone out whenever someone needs it, she doesn't judge and even though she's a Christian she's super fun at parties, and never tries to push her religion onto anyone. 

"Hey Rina, how are you today?"

that's her nickname for me, I don't particularly like it, but I don't mind her calling me it. 

"Hey Bella, I'm good, but I'm moving later today." 

she looks shocked, her mouth is wide and hanging from her jaw. I had to stop myself from laughing. 

"I... when...what?" she stumbles over her words her eyes are wide and she hasn't blinked in a while. 

"Um yeh, I'm moving away, it's been planned for a while, but it got accepted about a week ago, we just found out we have to be there in 2 days so todays my last day here." 

"Oh well I hope you have fun, but I can't believe your leaving me here with Aiden. who's going to tell him off from being a perv if you're not here?" 

Aiden is a boy in our grade, he's a pervert, whenever the girls have p.e and we are wearing our sports uniform, he's always trying to pull our pants down or pull our shirts up. 

I normally stop him before he gets the chance, or if I'm too late I make sure he leaves school with black eye and less of a chance of having children in the future.

on formal days, we wear stockings as part of our uniform so it's not a problem. 

(Ok so quickly in Australia we have school uniforms, so we don't have locker rooms, we just wear our sport uniform on the day we have sport, I forgot to mention when she got ready for school she wore her formal uniform, it's a plaided skirt and a white button up shirt.)

you might be wondering why he hasn't been suspended yet, well he has 2 times, but normally because I hit him before he gets a chance, he hasn't been suspended in a while. 

"Yeh sorry Bella, but hey if he gets suspended again, he's expelled, anyway bells about to go." 

"it's cool anyway bye cat, I'm going to miss you, bye." she gives me a lingering hug and the bell rings signaling 4th period. 

I make my way to 4th period, which is English, I love our English teacher she's kind, and absolutely loves English, she's single but says she's married to literature, and it will forever have her heart. 

I enter the class a little late but as I enter the class, I walk in to find everyone sitting on the floor, like how we did in Kindy. and a rush of nostalgia washes over my head. 

"Come have a seat Caterina, today we are watching a reenactment of Macbeth, this is Jerome's groups assessment." 

halfway through their reenactment, the classroom's phone rings, and miss answer it. 

me already knowing what I have to do I grab my books and start getting up just in time. 

"Hey Caterina, your wanted at the principal's office." she whispers in my ear.  

"Yeh, thanks." 

and with that I'm on my way. 


ok so this was kind of a filler chapter but hey... 

the next chapter is going to be short, like short short. sorry. 

words: 1077

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