chapter 5 (Cats Pov)

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it ________________________________________________________________________________

I have been sitting in the police station for an hour. 

we got here, they asked me to sit here and wait and they would be back in a minute, it's been an hour. 

"Hey so come with me." an officer I haven't seen before approached me. 

I followed him none the less, it gave me something to do. 

we walked for a few minutes before he stopped outside of a black door, he knocked twice. 

"Shes here." he then walked away as the door opened. 

_______________Tw: mentions of needles________________

inside was like a medical room, the walls were white the floor was tiled, and it smelt sterile like the hospital. Gracy was there talking with someone I presume is a phlebotomist.

(Someone who takes blood.) 

as I walk into the room they stop speaking and face me. 

"Hi Caterina, my name is Dr cooper I will be taking your blood, and testing it, can you take a seat please." she points to the chair, it was mettle and cool. 

I took a seat and waited 5 minutes while she prepped the needle. 

" Ok sweetie this might hurt." she moves the sleeve of my white top, and pokes me, I don't even flinch, she releases a small smile at that.

"Ok so ill rush this, and it should take about 2 hours." she says as she finished taking my blood. and turns to Gracy saying this.  

_________________Tw over_________________________

"Ok well how about we go get an early dinner and stop in at the shops to get some comfy clothes to change out off. "

with that I'm up and out of the room, I need a massive meal, I fucking love food! if I didn't marry Dimitri, I would have married food. 

we spent the next two hours having dinner, we had Kids Fattening Centre (KFC), then we went to Kmart got some cheap comfy clothes.

 then we spent the last 30 minutes eating some Maccas ice cream and talking, mostly just Gracy talked, she told me about how she's a proud cat mum, and how her husband's upset she keeps getting more cats. 

we arrived back to the station and now I'm back in that seat, I have been for only 5 minutes while Gracy went to find Dr cooper. 

"Hey so, we have some heavy news, come with me." Gracy spoke so guarded. we walked into some sort of office, it had neutral warm colors, and a big couch, I sat on it and Gracy took a carful seat on a matching armchair. 

"Okay, so we got the DNA results back..." she wasn't looking at me and looked upset as she peered at the floor below us. 

I remained silent. 

"We didn't find someone named Caterina, but we identified you as a missing girl, she went missing in Florence Italy, her name was maria Guerro...." 

I don't know what I was expecting but that... that wasn't it. 


I thought I was given up by I don't know a drug addict or someone who couldn't raise me, I never thought I was taken. 

"We contacted the Guerro family, they were thrilled to hear you were okay, when we asked, they didn't hesitate, they cut me off and were over the moon to have you back, your father, and eldest brother are on their way to come collect you." 

I was frozen, this time it wasn't because I was about to get beaten but it did feel like I just got punched. 

"The flight will take about 21 hours; they have payed for you and me to stay in a hotel near here until they come for you."

"Um... o... ok"

I didn't register, when I was walking out of the police station or when I got into the car or when we drove and arrived at the hotel. 

I'm currently sat on the bed. 

"bdinggg bdinggggggggg" I take my phone our and notice its Dimitri calling, I press answer and walk into the bathroom. 

"Любовь моя, I was just informed that the guy I hired was killed last night, I tried to call the station, they said it was too late and someone has already claimed you, they said it was blood and I could try to challenge it in court, but it would be pointless, what's happened Любовь моя." he speaks with worry and desperation. 

(My love)

I broke down.

actual tears poured down my face.

"Любовь моя, Любовь моя what's wrong, are you okay?!" 

(My love) 

"i.... they.... then...." i start sobbing. 

"Любовь моя just take deep breaths." 

I take 3 deep breathes and calm down. 

"They did a blood test, I was missing, my dad is coming to get me, I don't know what to do. and to make matters worse, he's a Guerro, he literally just attacked you and our mafia." at the end of my sentence I'm crying again. 

for a few moments all i hear is breathing. 

"it's ok Любовь моя we will figure something out, I'll get on flight to Italy, and we can discuss this when we are both there, we can discuss our options is that alight Любовь моя?" he is speaking with so much love and worry. 

"God... I love you so much."

"I love you, stay safe, if the Italians do anything call me, we have some people in Italy." 


for the rest of the time, it seemed to pass quickly, suddenly it was the next day and i was back at the police station with a Maccas Slurpee in one hand from lunch. my leg is bouncing so much it feels like it's about to fall off. 

my father is supposed to be here in 10 minutes and I'm so fucking nervous, I'm also a little scared, that when they see me, they won't want me anymore. 

not to mention I took my last painkillers before lunch, and I if don't get more soon they will find out about my scars and bruises, then they will find out about me past, and they won't want me anymore, if they did to begin with.  


something to know about me is that I might be an emotionless killing machine, but I'm honestly pretty sensitive and vulnerable, when you get to know me personally.

 that's not to say I can't just turn my emotions off, I can but I don't like to, when I do, I have no boundaries, limits and morals, I will kill anything that moves. 


I hear the door open, and I look up, and I'm looking at two tall masculine men, one is older than the other, they appear emotionless, if they want to be that way then I will be too, I might not actually turn my emotions off, but they don't need to think that.


ok so this one wasn't short but I'm pretty sure the next one will be. 

words: 1139

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