P.3-A wild butters has appeared

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Your POV-

Me and Kenny had finally arrive at our class and walked in the room."h-hey Kenny!" A small,adorable voice calls out Kenny's name,"who's that?" He stares at me,astonished that Kenny met a new person since he hangs out with his friends so much - I told him that -.

"Uhhhh,mphphs,mph mphph.(uhhhh,butters,you're staring)" he tried saying."o-oh,sorry!"the small blonde boy apologized profusely to me,I know why now because I'm starting to understand Kenny's muffles but they are still annoying.

I look straight at Kenny and he looks at me too.we stare for a while before I speak up."that is the most annoying thing..."I told him before pulling his coat zipper down,again.- I know what you mean when you say that muffling is annoying,tbh - It's weird that I'm agreeing with you more and more...

Butters watches as I do that then looks at my face,which I am completely unfazed,and then looks that Kenny,who seemed to be smile."sorry if this is wrong but,are you guys dating or something?" He looks at us,confused.writer,why do you like questions so much!? - I don't know 🤷‍ -.

"I can say,we're not dating,we only met this morning."kenny corrected him.- FALSE HOOD!!! - Sanders sides obsessed... - I'm gonna take that as a compliment!😘 -."Butters,right?" I start saying,"my name is (Y/N)!".

"W-well,my names Leopold but everyone calls me Butters,even my family!" He exclaims, overwhelmed with joy and happiness,he's so precious. - but who tf calls their child BUTTERS!? - I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!

"should we sit together like always,Kenny?" He asks."if you don't mind,I kinda wanna sit next to (Y/N) for today,to get to know him better."Kenny uttered to the shorter male - HA! -.

"That's okay,I'm fine with that,it's cool,you can do that-!" Butters kept on blabbering about different ways of saying it's okay. I smiled at him and sat in the seat I normally sit at,near the middle but like three seats away - they didn't need to know that :/ - don't care,Kenny followed behind me and we sat down, Butters ,however,was at the front of the class.

Class started a little bit later but me nor most people in that class were paying attention to it - it must of sucked then :0 - it did a bit but I was not paying attention because I was too busy chatting with Kenny,I don't know what it is but he just gets me!

the poor boy's darling//kenny mccormick x male!reader//disconnectedWhere stories live. Discover now