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"Larissa? Olivia?!" Marilyn said surprised as she walked in. We broke apart and stood up.
"Miss Thornhill."
"Marilyn." Both Larissa and I said at the same time. She shut the door behind her and came towards us.
"What the hell is happening?" She asked.
"We like each other." Larissa said.
"Larissa you were kissing a student." Marilyn said.
'Oh gee was that kissing a student, I had no idea.' Larissa thought sarcastically.
"Marilyn, I haven't felt this way in a long time, I am falling for her." Larissa admitted.
"And I'm falling for her." I said as I held her hand. Larissa and I looked at each other and smiled. Marilyn took a while to reply and Larissa and I were waiting anxiously.
"Okay." Was all she said.
"Okay?" Larissa asked confused.
"I accept you two, you are so cute! And I promise not to tell anybody." Larissa hugged Marilyn.
"Thank you." I said.
"Your welcome you two, now I have to go but have fun. Not too much fun." We all laughed as Marilyn started to leave. The door shut.
"I am so sorry Larissa." I said sadly as I let my head down. Larissa pulled my head back up.
"Don't be, I'm not." Larissa said. We both smiled.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"1 pm." She replied.
"Oh wow. Can I play some more piano?" I asked.
"Yes, but I will grab us something from the cafeteria for lunch." I nodded and Larissa left. I did a happy dance. I sat at the piano and started to play 'All I Ask' by Adele.

"Look, don't get me wrong
I know there is no tomorrow
All I ask is
If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?"

Larissa had come back with food. When I had finished the chorus, she clapped and I smiled at her.
"Your voice is beautiful. Like an angel." Larissa said. I blushed.
"Thank you Larissa." I replied. I went over to the sofa and she grabbed the food from her desk and brought it. We ate and talked about the day and Bianca was brought up.
"So, what is going to happen with the Bianca situation?" Larissa asked.
"Hopefully she'll go away if I just hide." I said as I finished eating.
"You shouldn't hide when you were born to stand out. Don't worry about her, stand up for yourself. I've got your back." Larissa was so sweet. She took both of our dishes away. I sat in her office chair and Larissa smiled at me playing with the chair.
"It suits you." Larissa said and I jumped.
"Thank you." I replied.
"Olivia?" Larissa said.
"I know that this probably isn't a good time to ask, but...can I take you on a date?" Larissa asked hesitantly.
"Of course Larissa." I said happily.
"Wait, who was your girlfriend when you were a student here?" I asked.
"Well you can't tell anyone. Promise?" Larissa said.
"I promise." I replied.
"Morticia. Morticia Addams." She said.
"Morticia? Addams? Wednesday's mother? My Spanish teacher?" I asked shocked.
"Yes. She was a wonderful woman. But things didn't work out. I'm glad it didn't or I wouldn't have told you how I felt." Larissa kissed me softly.

It was 5 pm when I started walking in the quad. I stopped and Larissa was watching from the window. I remembered she said don't be afraid to stick up for myself. I started to be surrounded by students. They all were mocking me. Telling me to die. Bianca and her friends walked up to me.
"Olivia!" Enid yelled as she and Wednesday rushed to my side. They stood beside me.
"What are you the lesbian bunch?" Bianca laughed.
"Leave me and my friends alone Bianca." I said. She got into my face.
"Tell me why should I?" She laughed. She was really starting to piss me off. She pulled out a knife and tried to stab me, I jumped with a boost from my bending the air. Everyone was surprised.
"You're a pussy, using powers?" Bianca laughed. I safely made it back to the ground. I told Enid and Wednesday to move back. Bianca came towards me with the knife. The knife was coming towards my head. I slid on my knees and tripped her with my foot.
"Keep trying me bitch." I said as I walked away.
'That's my girl.' Larissa thought with a smile.

I made it back to my dorm and undressed. I looked in my mirror and saw the bruises on my stomach from Bianca, my father and my mother. I hated lying, but I didn't want Larissa to see me this weak. I cried and fell to my knees. I was so ashamed. Of how my parents treat me, over what they have done to me and of how I feel. I didn't know how it feels to be liked or be loved by someone. It's unusual for me. To have someone be attracted to me. Especially the person who I'm attracted to. She's absolutely amazing and I didn't know how to deal with this. My parents had taught me that I was unloveable and no one could ever want me. I didn't know if I should let Larissa close or push her away.

Poor baby, I know it's sad. But it will get better. Love you babies.

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