Nightmares | Slight TW

390 22 1

4 am

I woke up screaming.
"No!" I cried with my knees up to my face. I had a nightmare. My father hitting me over and over. My mother holding me down while he beat me. I looked at the blade on my bedside table. I picked it up. Brought it to my wrist.
'I didn't ask to be born.' I thought. I made a few cuts before the door opening interrupted me.
"Olivia?" Enid said softly. She walked towards me slowly.
"Olivia, you're okay. It will all be okay. Just give me the blade." I felt like bursting into tears, I gave it to Enid and she hugged me tight.
"Shh, it's okay Liv. It's okay." Enid held me. I calmed down a bit.
"S..sorry." I apologized.
"Don't be you're my friend and I care about you. I heard your scream and so I came running." Enid explained.
"Hey you have a hickey mark on your neck." Enid brought up trying to take my mind away from my arms.
"Oh shit." I swore.
"Who's the lucky woman?" Enid asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"You can't tell anyone. We aren't anything yet, we just like each other." Enid nodded.
"Larissa..." I said nervously.
"Larissa who's....wait Principal Larissa Weems?" Enid squealed.
"Shh yes. So please don't tell her about this." Refering to my arms.
"I won't, but you should. Especially if you two will be somewhat of an item." Enid said.
"I will. But I don't want to scare her away." I admit.
"You won't." Wednesday comes in.
"Querida are you okay?" Wednesday asked Enid.
"I'm fine my love, just Olivia needed some support. Get some rest Liv." Enid kissed my head before she left. I felt calmer. I couldn't sleep so I snuck out of my dorm room and went to Larissa's office.

I entered her office and walked to her apartment door. I knocked. She opened the door and she looked so beautiful. Her long blonde hair just effortlessly sitting on her chest.
"Olivia? It's early. Are you okay?" Larissa asked. I stuttered. She could see that I had been crying and invited me into her little apartment. We sat on the sofa in her living room.
"What's wrong darling?" Larissa asked.
"I had a nightmare. My-...what I am about to tell you, is bad." I said. Larissa became even more worried.
"I had a nightmare about my parents. They uh...they are abusive...I dreamed about my father beating me and my mother holding me down when they beat me. The last thing that was in the nightmare was when I was chained in the basement, they both took turns hurting me." I looked away from Larissa. She brought my head back.
"Oh darling. You never have to go back to them ever again. I'll protect you." Larissa pulled me into her protective embrace and I hugged her tight. I winced. Larissa pulled away.
"You hurt yourself didn't you?" Larissa asked.
"It was only a couple. Enid grabbed the blade and held me." Larissa was proud for it only being two. Larissa brought me to her bathroom by my hand.

"So uh...." Larissa started nervously.
"W...would you like to shower with me?" Larissa asked hesitantly. I wanted to be closer with this woman. I nodded. We both undressed and I see her beautiful body. My hand outlined her body.
"You're beautiful." I whispered. She tried to hide her body.
"I'm not that pretty." Larissa said insecure.
"Larissa you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I said. Larissa blushed. She looked at my body and I could tell she was looking at the bruises. She touched them and said to me,
"My warrior. You're a survivor. These bruises are proof. You're a beautiful young woman, darling." Larissa kissed one of my bruises and I smiled. Larissa was right. I am a survivor. We got into the shower and the water felt great on my body. Larissa washed my hair and my back. I felt her hands on me and her kisses on my shoulder to keep me calm from her going over the bruises. It worked. After the shower we wrapped ourselves in towels and Larissa placed me on the counter of the bathroom sink.
"May I dress your cuts darling?" Larissa asked.
"You may." I replied. Larissa cleaned them and started to wrap the bandage around them.
"Larissa..." I started.
"No...this isn't your fault." She interrupted calmly. She knew I was about to apologize. After she finished wrapping my arm, she kissed my arm.

We went to her bedroom and Larissa had gotten clothes for me. I smiled at her.
"I went and got clothes for you." Larissa gave my clothes to me. I put the outfit on.

"Oh darling, you look beautiful

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"Oh darling, you look beautiful." Larissa said. I looked at her beautiful self in her blazer, shirt and skirt.
"Never mind me, look at you! So incredibly gorgeous." Larissa blushed. Larissa pulled me close and kissed me softly.
"How are you feeling now darling?" Larissa asked.
"I feel better, I think the shower washed away any bad vibes I was feeling. I'm sorry for waking you this morning as well." Larissa shushed me.
"I didn't mind you coming to my apartnent this morning, I want to be there for you." Larissa was so sweet. I was starting to get used to it.
"What classes do you have today?" Larissa asked as we walked out of her apartment into her office.
"Well I only have music today. And them tomorrow I have all three." I replied. We sat on the sofa in front of the fire.
"How about I take you on that date we talked about after Music?" I was excited.
"Yeah, let's do that." I smiled. I gave Larissa a soft kiss before going to Music.

When I was approaching my class, Bianca and her group were waiting outside it.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"You think you were smart tripping me?" Bianca growled. I laughed.
"Yes, it was amazingly hilarious." I said teasingly. Bianca raised her hand to slap me and just as she was about to strike, I blocked it and we heard a voice.
"Bianca Barclay, my office now!" Larissa ordered. Bianca left with Larissa and she smiled at me. It felt nice to finally have someone to protect me.

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